Cage Placement - Where's the best place?

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My girls' cage is currently in my daughter's bedroom. I'm ready to start making a second story for the cage. I chose the bedroom because of my dogs. I know they would go after the piggies if given a chance. I'm well educated about dachshunds and know they can't be trusted.

The problem is that the piggies haven't warmed up to us. I would like to move the cage to the family room so we have more time to observe them and play with them. It is much noisier and the dogs do bark and chase each other.

The cage will stand far enough from the floor that the dogs won't be able to get to the piggies and it does have a top which is secured.

I appreciate your suggestions,
I have 5 girls in the kitchen and 3 boys in a bedroom and the dogs wander round and go up to them but the guineas and dogs get on well. If you move them to where the dogs are, will your dogs definitely not be able to get to them? They might jump up and persist in getting to them? You obviously know the risk and will have to be very careful - what happens if you get the guineas out to hold - will the dogs be able to get to them if your daughter is holding the guinea?

If it is all totally safe, I'd advise putting some dark areas in the cage where they can hide, maybe put a cover over one end for a couple of days. I wouldn't worry about the noise - mine are used to the hoover, smoke alarm, radio, dogs barking etc - they just ignore it.

Good luck.
i have my guinea's in a room with my rats because there was just to many cages for the living room. Before i got my piggies the rats were in the living room, and some of our friends came over with their dogs, the rats didnt seem to bother but because piggies are bit more timid i would have some hiding places for them in the cage. Maybe if the piggies are high enough out the way of the dogs it will be okay, but do you think your dogs will get used to them eventually? Where are your dogs kept at night time? :)
I'm lucky in that my dogs 2 up until last july always came in the pigs shed with me and just sat watching me do the cleaning and feeding etc max now comes with me and sits watching me still hes 14 now but has done it from an early age along with his brother charlie, they also used to lie alongside the runs so the pigs could nip their fur out and never seemed bothered , these are the same dogs who when we kept doves use to let a pigeon who couldn't fly sit on them and eat their dry dog food with no worrys , as you say you know what your dogs are like just dont any risks good luck
Sorry about being away for awhile. This week has been rotten.
How is everyone? I hope hurts have healed. ;) Thank you for your posts.

I'm hoping to give all the details and answer every question
I went to a rescue for supplies and was talking with the owner. I explained that the cage was in my baby's room because of my dogs. He was alarmed to learn they were dachshunds. He told me that they WILL NOT allow doxie owners to adopt from him because of their breeding. Doxies were created to hunt badgers and other small burrowing animals. It is their instinct to go after anything that moves. They are very stubborn, smart, and tenacious. They have a reputation for being difficult to train. Many doxies end up in shelters because people can't control them.
I know the breed very well. All is true. I know my dogs natural behavior would be to go after the piggies. That's why I have very strict rules and procedures in place to insure the piggies safety. The dogs are not allowed even the smallest opportunity to threaten the exceptions.

I intend to place the cage against a wall with a corner making sure it can't be turned over. It will be high enough the dogs will not be able to jump up or sit and see the piggies. It is covered and secured and the piggies can't get loose.

The rescue told me that the dogs playing or barking could give the piggies a heart attack or stress them sick.

He did say that my attitude is different than most dog owners. Many believe they have their dogs trained and can control them without a doubt. He felt better knowing that I have a good understanding of doxies.

I do have my dogs trained and they mind very well. I know they can't be trusted because of their breed.

I want to do what's best for the piggies. I appreciate your suggestions. :smitten:
I think it's great that your being really cautious about your dogs and guins. I have a lab x and although he is ok with our rabbits I wouldn't trust him 100% and therefore I don't let him anywhere near my guins.

As for them being startled and someone please correct me if I'm wrong but guins aren't as delicate to noise as rabbits are. My dog barks at the drop of the hat and although my pigs get startled they are ok. As long as you have plenty of hidey holes for them to feel protected I'm sure they will be ok.
You obviously know your stuff and are being extra cautious. We used to have cairn terriers that are rat hunters and they used to sleep with the guineas but they were brought up as puppies with the guineas. Having said that, a few years ago I had a deposit on a border terrier cross puppy and someone told me their border terrier had killed a guinea so that was that, I cancelled the puppy and got a soft spaniel instead! You can never tell can you, sometimes it's just a gut feeling.

I wouldn't worry about the noise - as Miss Piggy says, I don't think they're that worried about noise. My experience is that the first few times they hear the noise they are nervous, but soon get used to it. If they've got each other, that'll be reassurance.

Keep us posted how you get on.
Thank you Miss Piggy and Jillybean! ;)

I feel better about moving the cage now. I just needed a bit of reassurance and the opinions of others. The people at the rescue don't like doxies at all. The impression I had was that piggies were way too nervous to be where dogs make a lot of noise and would either die or get sick from it.

The dogs will be able to hear the piggies but, they won't be able to see them.

I am going to teach the dogs the piggies are my pets too and they will have to accept it.

I was reading Volume 10 of Popular Dogs Series - Dachshunds There was a story of a man who has piggies and doxies. He taught his dogs that the piggies were his pets and the dogs actually guard the piggies when they are in the yard grazing. She goes on to say that the dogs will patrol the perimeter of the corral and heard any escapees back to the corral. She said that no other animal dare enter the yard. Her dogs show no mercy to other critters but, will protect who belongs. :smitten:

I really don't think my dogs will ever be friends with my piggies. I think after the newness of the piggies wears off everything will be fine.

You guys are the best!! :)
Just be careful of jealousy though. My dog will try anything to get attention if he thinks the guins are getting more than him.
I wouldn't be worried about noise too much - ours were in the conservatory over winter and they got vacced round, got used to the sound of the tv from the living room and a 4 year old playing (got to be as noisy as a pair of dogs! ;D) and they were fine. The sound of rain on a conservatory roof is deafening too and that didn't bother them either. Occasionally they would run into the house but only if there was a sudden loud noise. Hope this helps you.
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