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Cage mate dies - What should I do?


New Born Pup
Aug 31, 2021
Reaction score
Hey guys...
Recently my guinea pig (F- Jelly -almost four years old), passed away recently. I have one other guinea pig (F- bean - four years old), and I'm not sure what to do. I know guinea pigs become very sad after the loss of a cage mate. I've been already trying to spend as much time with her as I can. As well, I'm planning to put her up at a rescue center. In the meantime, are there any suggestions and what I should do? What I should feed, act, play, etc?
When one of my girls, Tracy, passed away recently, I tried to spend a lot more time with Elena. As well as sitting and talking to her, hand feeding treats, and bringing her out for lap time, I tried to distract her and peak her curiosity by adding new toys to the cage, hiding veggies in different places, scatter feeding forage, and that type of thing. It did appear to help, and our bond got much stronger. In the end, finding her a companion at a rescue is what brought her back to herself.
I would just add that even the simplest things (I.e. big piles of hay to burrow in) can help to take their mind off their grief while you try to find a new cage mate.
So sorry you lost one of your little piggies, sleep tight little lady 🌈

Would you think about bonding your surviving girl with another rescue piggie?