Cage Location

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Junior Guinea Pig
Apr 8, 2016
Reaction score
USA East Coast
Where is your cage located? Which areas and how much traffic around them do you recommend? I have two guineas.

Thank you!
my piggies are actually in my room, but I also have a hamster in my room and am used to his wheel all night. I am quite the heavy sleeper. I am in my room the majority of the day/night and when i am out my piggies get visited by my family members as my first boy is extremely tame and friendly and will give piggy kisses to almost anyone who wants them :) I find they don't smell (i use fleece and spot clean approx 4 times a day) and they are actually quite quiet, as long as they have enough hay/pellets to last till morning! My first pig was alone for a month, being in my room he developed a very close, very quick bond with me and despite being 3-4months old he is already a total lap pig and a big sucker for pets and cuddles! I know pigs don't sleep full nights like we do, but my boys go to sleep when i do or if they don't they are very very quiet, even when drinking water they don't rattle the bottle
Mine have the room a cross the hall.They get spoken to every time one of us goes to the kitchen.They have a heater in their room and we nip in to poo pick, give veg and top up hay a few times a day.Their run is big enough to sit in so they just run round us.They don't like being picked up much but eat out of our hands
:D Six of my girls are in the spare room and two are in my bedroom. I am the only person they ever see, except when I have visitors - which isn't often!
Mine are in the utility room at night time which they share with my two cats. They all come out for lap time during the evening. They are in an 8ft x 4ft run in the garden all day.
Ours are in the corner of the living room. The entire floor of the house is more or less open plan, and has kitchen, dining, and living areas.
They are tucked into a corner and not in a regular thoroughfare, but there is usually someone around in some part of the room (except at night once we are all in bed).
Mine are in the kitchen, so as you can imagine this gets quite a lot of traffic, especially as our bathroom is downstairs so we have to go through the kitchen for that.
Any of my animals have to get used to the washing machine and the hoover as I'm quite the fanatic! :xd:
Mine are now in the living room, next to our couch, which is very convenient for snuggle time. In the new house, they will be in the kitchen. The kitchen was planned having their cage in mind, so I have a custom-made niche, which is strategically close to the fridge ;)
Mine are in our living room so always someone about as i only work at lunch times.. they have about 2 hrs a day floor time in their run too...
In the living room, in a corner that keeps getting bigger and bigger... They were skittish at first because it is an area of high traffic on the way to the kitchen, but they seem calmer and don't dive for cover every time someone walks past now.
My piggies are in my bedroom along with my hamster. I'm a heavy sleeper so I don't mind the noise they make:D We live right next to the road (but there's not much traffic in Orkney:D) and I usually leave my window open so the piggies have fresh air going through and you can hear the traffic more then but they really don't mind it, but when I go to school I put the radio on and they really like that:)
My piggies are in the dining room right next to the kitchen but it's a pretty open apartment so I can see them from the sofa. Lots of traffic = social piggies who get way too many treats and lots of lovin
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