Cage Jumping boar!


New Born Pup
Apr 28, 2022
Reaction score
Portsmouth UK
Hi all,

I’m looking for a little guidance after reading through the posts on the forum.

I have a five month old boar (Sunny) who was living with a 6 year old boar but the 6 year old sadly died two weeks ago. Ive kept a close eye on Sunny and handled him as much as possible whilst I’m waiting back to hear from local rescue as to the possibility of boar bonding.

He has been jumping out of his cage into the cage of my other pigs next door (Chonk and Jambon). It’s caused a lot of stress to Jambon and Chonk is unhappy that someone is in his turf. Sunny got out of his cage last night and was roaming around my front room and I came home tonight again to find him in the cage next door.

I’ve now moved their cages apart to try to manage this behaviour but does anyone have any suggestions as to what I can do? Or what his behaviour might mean? Any help would be gratefully appreciated.

Much love,

Sadie xx
Hi, it sounds like Sunny is may be lonely which is why he is jumping his cage. Is he in a C&C cage? if so, all I can suggest is to make the grids an extra level higher to prevent him from being able to jump over the top of the grids. Hopefully the behaviour will stop when he has a new friend
Sunny needs either another row of grids cable tied on top of existing ones as Claire suggests or a lid. Lids can be made of C&C grids if it's a C&C gage. A blanket over the top may help as a temporary messure if you don't have spare grids. I'd secure it with bull dog clips or if you don't have those clothes pegs. It would be a shame to upset the bond between your other pair while waiting for Sunny to find his own friend.