cage divider during strong seasons

Scooter Pie

Teenage Guinea Pig
May 26, 2020
Reaction score
Bethlehem PA, Northeastern USA
Hi all! Haven't posted in a long time.

Does anyone add a temporary cage divider for a girl pair when one is under 2 years old (Peggy)and much bigger and healthier (not necessarily dominant though) and the other (Kona) is 4-4 1/2 tiny piggie, who's been struggling with health issues...🥺🐷

Last time Peggy had a strong season, she really bothered Kona and she had a week where I thought she might not make it. Hiding and not eating which started after a night where she squealed at her cage mate for hours for shaking her butt at her WAY too much. 😆

Anyway, thanks for reading...I know I have to do something for when someone's not home/awake. They just live in a 2x4 c&c so I will need to build something more. Would you guys recommend I split it in half or give my little one a smaller area. I'll post pics soon.
I am not sure if temporary separations are recommended, especially not over and over again, but I know that in a case I had with boars it likely saved their bond.
The humping and constant bothering was a strain on their friendship, I do not have much experience with sows in season, but I am aware it is somewhat the same as boar dominance if not a bit more emotional.

It is likely they will work through it, especially as it is brought on by seasons whereas in boars it is mostly dominance. Meaning her friend/s will be aware what she is going through, if not by the constant noise but the smell.

What would be the reason for separating them, to give one of your girls a break? Would you be looking at a separation through the whole season or just when it is getting a bit much?
I ask these questions so hopefully somewhere who has owned way more sows than me can give you some targeted advice.

You may find these guides helpful if you have not seen them already -
Sows: Behaviour and female health problems (including ovarian cysts)
When Sows Experience A Strong Season (videos)
If she is regularly experiencing strong seasons it may be worth getting her checked for ovarian cysts. My sow had very strong seasons every few months and was very intolerant of other guinea pigs. It turns out she had huge cysts.
I hope your sow calms down eventually.