Cage Chewing!

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jul 5, 2016
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Hi I have 2 boars, a 2x4 c & c cage filled with lots of toys and hiding places but my boys have started chewing the correx. How can I stop my boys from doing this? They seem to do it in a morning when waiting for food or if they hear me in the kitchen so I didnt know if it was to get my attention? I hide food for them to find a couple of times a day. They come out to play often. They have plenty of hay all the time and i put it toilet rolls and balls to give them something to do as well. Any ideas would be fantastic :D
This is an old ish picture the cage has recently been changed around and bits added.

Purchase "slide binders" the kind you get for holding papers together and put them along the top of the corex. (Mine love eating corex) I purchased my slidebinders off e bay.
It seems all piggies love eating corex. I can't remember who it was bit someone on here said.......and I quote "mine eat corex quicker than hungry locusts in a field of crops." Or words to that effect. Lol.
This link Slide Binders shows the type of thing required to save the correx from being chewed. THey will still try to chew the slide binders but so far none of mine have managed it after four years of trying.
Make sure you get the size to fit the correx or the little will pull it to peices. EG 4mm correx needs 4 or 5mm binder spine. Check the specification tab on the site.

You can just see the binders on the correx where Pinky and our much missed Perkins (wherewolf) are waiting for me to finish cleaning their cage out.

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