C&C Questions!

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Jul 6, 2007
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Hi All,

Just a few questions on C&C. Finally got enough money to do this. So I've 5 Guinea Pigs (3 boys and 2 girls) Sunshine and Twinkle I'm thinking of putting in the bottom in a 4x3 cage and Cuzzy will be seperated on the bottom in a 3 x 3. Now the question is I do want to get Cuzzy a friend from a rescue that he will choose himself would 3x3 be suitable? I know for two pigs it is supposed to be 2x4 but would it matter too much if it was more square than it is long?

Upstairs the girls will be housed in a 5 x 2 which will be ideal as I want to introduce a neutered boar eventually.

So does this sound ok? I'll be using lino as well. :)


I don't know much about C & C, but if your changing 2x4 to 3x3 then there should be no problem, as your not taking it away, your simply adding it else where ;)
Thanks! :) I'm going to do Sunshine and Twinkle's cage firs which will be 5x2 that is what they are in now. I'll be adding Cuzzy's in a couple of weeks once I've got the funds. Then I'll add the girls. I was thinking for now I'll put them in 4x2 as I'm not introducing a boar yet. I can make it bigger when I do.

Also hubby had a brainwave! We have lots of laminate floor left over. Could we use that as the bottom of the cage? Perhaps not on the upstairs but on the bottom. I'll be using Newspaper and Hay for them to stand on. I prefer to do that then use blankets etc.

Sorry for all the questions, just want to get it right! :)


Laminate floor sounds fine on the bottom under newspaper/hay. It may be too heavy for the top cage so correx would probably be better. I have lino on the bottom and top but I think it is too heavy on the top cage so switching to correx this wheek as someone my OH knows has a huge piece he is giving him :)
Sounds fine to me louise :) you definately thinking of getting a neutered boy then? Did you get in touch with woodlands? i think maybe try with the laminate on top and if it is too heavy get something else. But i haven't got a top cage, just a top level and i just use blankes on them so you're better listening to lavenderjade lol i'm waiting for our new kitchen to be fitted so i can have the floor for my piggie room haha, it's lino too :) x
Oh by the way i had a brainwave too the other day in asda haha! Ralfie doesn't have any lino or correx under his cage atm because we haven't been able to find any, so i've been using a shower curtain under it to protect the carpet temporarily! Don't know wether this helps you in any way, maybe if you do an upper level or something you could use this? Probably not but i thought it was good for temporary use lol! x
Hi Guys,

Thanks for your help! :) Yeah I'm defo thinking of a neutered boar. Haven't contacted Woodlands yet, will do at the end of the week to see if I can get a friend for Cuzzy first. 5x2 for the boys 3x3 for Cuzzy or I could do 4x2 for both and extend as needed. I've had my tape measure out getting ideas on size!

Emma, good tip about the shower curtain! :)

Remember laminate floor will bubble with continuous peeing, I would just use correx personally O0
The laminate may end up rotting, lino would be easier to clean and easy to wash as well. The shower cutain is a fab idea, you can get one of those from the £1 shop ;)
When I get my piggies, I m going to get a decent squared size piece of lino for their play time/floor time with a pen around it, it will be easy to clean and would be nice and cool for them in the summer time too :)
Thanks! Yeah I realise that about the laminate, mum has it and it bubbled on her from the washing machine. Ah well it was an idea anyway! I've a friend who is a sign maker and he can get me so correx so I'll do that! :)

ooo louise is there anyway he could do me some? I know that's cheeky but i can't find it anywhere! And obviously i'd pay full price? x
Hi Emma,

I'll ask him when I see him, not sure when that will be. His Nan lives local to me so see him in passing. I'll private you if I get any joy! :)

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