C&C Half Grids?


New Born Pup
Feb 6, 2016
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Hi there has anyone managed to source C&C half grids in the Uk? I’ve found them available in the USA but the company don’t deliver to the Uk..
I think most people just use a full c&c grid and have them overlap to get the size they need rather than buying separate smaller grids. I certainly haven't seen any half grids on sale
Thanks for replying. I did think of doing that but thought it would make the coroplast uneven at the bottom but maybe it wouldn’t make that much difference and would certainly be a lot simpler!
I think for the sake of time, effort and money you are talking a few mm's space difference just on the side the grid overlaps. I wouldn't worry about it too much (though I know the perfectionist in me would still like it all neat and the right size 😂)
I've tried and failed to find some. I have overlapped mine, in some places it's really neat with every square lined up to perfection, in other's I've got it a bit out and this drives me to distraction sometimes. I keep promising myself I will tighten the cable ties and make it neater. As I get older I am learning to wear blinkers though! It also helps now my sight is getting bad not to wear my glasses!