C&C cages

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Oct 19, 2012
Reaction score
Gateshead, UK
Hi guys, it's me again... you must be sick of the sound of me by now >_<
I've been mooching about the site, I'm really into the idea of making a C&C enclosure for my babies. I have a pretty good sized alcove I was thinking about just enclosing off which would give them a lot more room than their current cage. I could build a MASSIVE run in my bedroom as my room is huuuuge, but my room doesn't stay as warm and it would mean I wouldn't see them as much, so I think the alcove is a good compromise. They'll keep toasty warm, I can keep an eye to them, and with it being an alcove once I've fitted in a correx base in I would only need to barricade off once wall.
I've worked out that 5 squares would be sufficient, but of course every bloody place I've looked online is selling between 16-20 cubes. And Christ, they're not cheap, especially for me at the minute [switching to ESA, so I'm only getting £50 a week while they "assess" the claim... 13 weeks of assessment, seriously?].
Does anyone know anywhere that sells them really cheap? I know they're a right pain in the butt to get hold of but I can't tolerate the idea of my girls being stuck in a little cage that isn't particularly spacious until I can scrape enough money together to get them what they need. I know you probably get this question ALL THE TIME, so I do apologise, just many of the links I've been clicking in the sticky are out of date and my nearest B&Q is an hour away on the bus, so I can't keep popping in to check and see if they have the squares in.
I live near Newcastle if anyone knows anywhere local, baring in mind I don't have a car.
Sorry for the 21 questions! I'm just getting "cage envy" seeing all these gorgeous home-made cages. Thanks guys x
UPDATE: Nevermind, I've had a re-shuffle of my lounge and it now looks like I'll have enough room to make a massive C&C run in the corner... time to save some pennies :D
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