Does anyone know where you can buy c&c grids from stores in the UK? I would prefer to go to a store than buy online if I am honest! A lot of the threads i've seen say Wickes, B&Q and IKEA but they are all really out of date :-(
Hello! I am a big fan of the C&C cage system. Today I bought our correx (or Corplastic) from Travis Perkins. I was quoted £7+VAT for 2mm Black correx, which comes in 2400 x 1200 size. This is super cheap v. EBAY. If you can get the slightly thicker 4mm its slightly better. It is super easy to assemble and the piggies will love it! Hope this helps Sammie.
I looked everywhere for this, but I could never find it. I knew I would have to order online so I'm about to order it ( I'm getting piggies in the new year ) I'm getting two piggies with a 2x6 cage! Some people would say that's a lot but if I wanted to expand on my guineas family I could and wouldn't have to worry about it being to small! Well all I'm saying is you would have to order online sorry!