C&C Cage or hutch in shed?


New Born Pup
Sep 29, 2024
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I'm a newbie owner and looking to set up a piggy house in an unused Summer house. It's sheltered with natural light and plenty of space but it's an awkward shape - octagonal. I was originally thinking of having a hutch and C&C cage combo but there isn't enough room. If I just went for C&C cage, could I get a wooden guinea pig house to sit inside this and would that be enough to keep them warm?
This is it - it will be cleared of stuff.


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Hello I don’t really have any advice as my piggies live indoors but lots of members on here will have experience and the advice you need. Probably insulating the summer house would first .
Good luck !
My piggies live in my purpose built shed. It has stable doors as well as internal mesh doors so that the main doors can still be left open and they are still protected inside.
The shed is insulated.

One big question - is your shed able to be heated?

My shed is not heated.
Originally they were in hutches within the shed. This worked very well as the hutches were also insulated as well as having blankets and thermal covers on them.
Hutches were fully filled with hay and they had snugglesafe heat pads (a must for outdoor piggies)

Various circumstances mean they are now in c&c cages and I’ll be honest, I’m not keen as it is harder to keep warm than a hutch but needs must.
In readiness for winter, I have wrapped the cages with silver foil insulation and they will have more insulation and blankets laid over the top overnight. The whole cage is still filled with hay along with all hides being filled with hay. They will still have their snugglesafes (I use four snugglesafes per pair of piggies).

If you shed can be heated then that helps make it a bit easier with them being in a c&c.
The other consideration is safety in a c&c in a shed - is there a risk of predators, rats and mice. While a hutch doesn’t always provide excellent protection, a c&c offers no protection.

Do note that you need more than one wooden hide. Each pig needs their own plus I like to have extra - so my pairs have four hides in their cage. All hides must have two doors to ensure the other piggy cannot trap the other inside it.

Do also have a plan for summer - sheds can get very hot inside. I actually find keeping them cool in summer considerably harder than keeping them warm in winter.
Thanks for the great advice. Currently the shed doesn't have electricity but I'm working on that! I will be adding foil insulation to the shed but the more I think about I would feel more confident with a hutch for peace of mind. I'll have to experiment with an irregular shape of C&C cage to work in the space - I'm sure there will a lot of trial and error! Thanks again.
I think that hutches would work better in terms of insulation and keeping the piggies warm in winter. c and c would be really difficult to keep in the heat, keep out the drafts and keep the piggies warm enough through the colder times to come.
A hutch does provide more security and warmth.

This is my first winter having to have a c&c in the shed (it’s been hutches for the past 6 years of the life of my eldest boy) and I’m dreading it. The security side of it is fine but the warmth is concerning me.

Of course bear hutch sizing in mind - that two sows need a 150x60cm single level hutch and two boars need a 180x60cm single level hutch.
Yes, not sure if the windows are a pro or a con - likely both. They do open so provide ventilation and the shed is positioned in a shady part of the garden so definitely won't be in full sun. I will look into some window covering though - my DIY skills will be tested.
I have windows in my shed but they don’t open. I have curtains up in my shed for summer and put bubble wrap over them in winter and then close the curtains at night .

Don’t forget if you are going to have the windows open they need to be securely meshed inside for safety