Tuesday I finished Charlottes cage, it is 27" x 48" and she seems to really enjoy it. The only problem that I'm having is that I've cut the mattress cover just a bit longer and a bit 2 x widder than the cage to give a double linning under the fleece. How do you keep the fleece from bunching up and being moved away from the sides of the cage?, I keep finding poop around the sides of the cage where the fleece meets the wall. Not a big problem but I have noticed to really make it look good I have to police it and pick up the poo at least twice daily, she goes everywhere and anywhere she wants. Also I put some Timothy hay in the cage for her and now it is on the fleece, how do I get it off? Also if she eats some of her poo will this hurt her. I'm really trying to take care of her and get her ready to have plenty of space for her babies. THANKS