C&c Cage...loft Or No Loft!

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Junior Guinea Pig
Dec 27, 2013
Reaction score
Tyne & Wear, UK
My little piggies have settled well into their c&c cage (4x2 with a 1x2 loft). They initially explored the loft and can use the ramp quite easily but they are now choosing not to use the loft space (it is fleece lined with a snuggle sack in it, at first it had hay in it but it's quite tricky for me to clean out being high up). My question is...is it better to leave the loft as it is or use those panels to extend the main floor into a 2 x 5 space? Thank you!
if they aren't using it that much, then i would remove it and use the grids to increase the main floor space. :)
My pigs stopped using their loft so I made this http://www.calicavycollective.com/2013/05/guinea-pig-bunk-bed.html just by putting a grid half way up the existing grids and I used lino for the base. It's now Kasper's favourite hiding place. I have put a litter tray on the bottom 'bunk' since a dark, enclosed space means bathroom to my pigs!
When I 1st bought my C&C cage, I assembled it with the loft as provided. My piggies never used it so I removed the ladder and now use this loft area as storage for their hay and forage.
I then realised that my piggies liked an area above ground so I have put a grid half way up - very similar to the balcony. Mine has a layer of correx on the base. I use one of the pet houses that are readily available commercially and they have a little area at the front which is ideal for putting straw to graze on.
I would advise anyone who is thinking of bespoking their C&C cage to have a good look at the threads on this forum. There are quite a few dating back quite a few years. It's really great to see how imaginative people have been and you will get a lot of good ideas.
Whatever you choose to do , please ensure that it is safe and is easy to clean. I am trying to upload some pictures of mine but am having some difficulty. I am going to post this reply and will try to upload the piccies later.
Thanks, I like the idea of this and will have enough grids if I dismantle the loft. How do your gps access the higher bit, do you still have a ramp? I have spent most of my Christmas holidays researching gp info....it's becoming an obsession! Don't feel like I've got the set up quite right yet for us and still experimenting with all fleece vs part fleece! Thanks.
cleaning underway.webp cleaning in progress.webp

Here are 2 pictures of balcony area being dismantled for cleaning. You can probably see that I am still using the ladders that I got but to be honest, they'd be perfectly able to get in if the ladder wasn't there. The grids are well secured using cable ties but, for extra security, I use a wooden arch underneath just in case - I wouldn't want any disasters should my DIY skills fail!
I find the 1/2 height balcony is ideal as my GP's like to use the area underneath too (as Max is modelling).
The top area is easy to dismantle to clean and I can also clean the underneath area easily enough.
You'll probably never feel that you've got the set up exactly right - but that's part of the fun. That's the real benefit of C&C cages - you have the flexibility to change things and extend.
Also, like you, I am still experimenting with bedding vs fleece. I just hide my till receipts from my husband!
Max in his tree house.webp Monty tree house.webp Max tree house.webp

I have finally managed to upload the pictures of balcony areas ( I call them tree houses).

As you can see, I use black tea towels as shade sails.
That looks fab! I might have a go later with my daughter to 'remodel'! I currently use a cardboard tube with hay stuffed into holes to prop up my loft so could use the same principle to support a balcony too. Do your gps not try to climb out of the balcony bit over the cage sides? 2 of my 3 are quite lively and I would worry that they'd get out. We've only had ours a week so we're still working things out, it is fun but I'm trying not to become a gp bore!
Mine haven't tried to climb out. Max thought about it once when I was trying to catch him - but he had a look and reconsidered.
If you were concerned about this, you could always make the gap smaller.
I don't think anyone on this forum would consider us becoming GP bores but I do agree that this level of conversation doesn't go down well over a pint in the pub!
I'm able to get my GP's out of the balcony area from above (as demonstrated in pictures of cleaning in progress). I can access the lower level as the ramp can be raised ( a bit like a drawbridge).

If I were you, I'd look at the thread on plexiglass too as this may give you some ideas for home improvements.
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I was meaning more that if they love it as much as mine they will want to stay there forever.
I was meaning more that if they love it as much as mine they will want to stay there forever.

get your point. The priority is for happy piggies.

On a serious note though, I would advise anyone who is considering GP home improvements to ensure that anything they do is firstly safe for their piggies and, secondly is easy to access - mainly for cleaning - but also for emergencies. I would like to think that, should we ever have to get out of our house quick - I'd be able to take our piggies with us.
They are loving it so far! Coming out for food and hay. I think I'm going to find very soggy fleece pads when I change them as the newspaper in their hay section is very dry!
Hadn't thought of emergency access to be honest! As my bunks are fleece lined I think I could just pull the fleece liners out from the front hopefully with gps still on them!
That looks amazing, I don't have that much space though. I tried a hay loft but it was tricky to clean as the cage is on a table so quite high. I have extended the cage and brought the loft Correx down to form a 'hay extension' which is working well so far and with the addition of the bunks the gps have more space than ever. I'm sure it will change again though at some point! Thanks for all the ideas.
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