C And C Help! 5x2 Or 3x4?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jan 22, 2017
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Bath, UK
With a living room shuffle about we are thinking of remaking our cage! We have two boars, any input on pros/cons of having a 3*4?

Also what is your experience of lofts? Worried about ramps causing squabbles? our boys are about 8 months old and still can be a bit ratty with eachother x
My two sows have a 3 x 4 as a play pen. I have to climb into it to clean it out which may not be an issue if you have a 5 x 2.

You could always have two ramps to a loft to prevent squabbles (or lessen the chances of them). I have seen it on pinterest but not experienced it.
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My 5 x 2 became a 3 x 4 with a 2 x 1 loft within a week because the 5 x 2 didn't fit very well in the available space. I do have to climb in it to clean it out. My two young ones are alright with the loft, it's at half cube height and they use a log tunnel to access it rather than a ramp. My older boars have always loved their loft and ramp, other than the odd grumble when one is in the other's way there's been no fall outs.SUNP0014.webp
The older boars live upstairs on the table, the C & C cage is built round two legs! I need to move the grid across on the loft when I've got time OH cut the corex to ramp size and I changed my mind as they kept jumping up the tunnels anyway.
I have a 3 by 3 as that's all I could fit in with minimal rearranging (moving a sofa 10cm). It is right in the corner, wedged in by furniture (sofa on one side, two walls and 1 grid is covered by wall units so I find it very annoying to clean. I think either way, a 3 grid deep cage is going to be difficult to clean, but the extra space is totally worth it. I have a pair of very old crocs which I just use to stand in the cage when I need to clean it. I can normally get the piggies out quite easily so I would say go for the upgrade!

You could have two ramps for the pigs to get up and down. I only need one ramp though because Oreo can't/won't go up to the loft.
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