C and c cage question advice please!

Livia Rabideau

Adult Guinea Pig
Feb 14, 2018
Reaction score
Kentucky, U.S.
I just took in a new piggy today. Her name is Korra. She is over a year old. She has lived in a tiny cage for her whole life so far. The woman I got her from was so sweet. They did not want her anymore and wanted a loving home for her. I give them credit for giving her up. Her feet are red which I am sure will improve quickly as this was the case with another rescue of mine. I have built a 2 by 4 c and c cage for her. She will stay there for a couple of weeks until I know she is healthy. She is now on fleece except for shavings in the kitchen area. My concern is that she keeps poking her head through the cage squares. I have never had a piggy do this before. Will she get her head stuck? I put cardboard up a bit higher to hopefully keep her from doing this. She is a known escape artist I guess, so I have made a secure lid on the cage. She keeps doing zoomies like crazy. She is very skittish. Please tell me she won't get her head stuck. It's her first night with me. The grids I use have nine squares across. Thank you!


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I just took in a new piggy today. Her name is Korra. She is over a year old. She has lived in a tiny cage for her whole life so far. The woman I got her from was so sweet. They did not want her anymore and wanted a loving home for her. I give them credit for giving her up. Her feet are red which I am sure will improve quickly as this was the case with another rescue of mine. I have built a 2 by 4 c and c cage for her. She will stay there for a couple of weeks until I know she is healthy. She is now on fleece except for shavings in the kitchen area. My concern is that she keeps poking her head through the cage squares. I have never had a piggy do this before. Will she get her head stuck? I put cardboard up a bit higher to hopefully keep her from doing this. She is a known escape artist I guess, so I have made a secure lid on the cage. She keeps doing zoomies like crazy. She is very skittish. Please tell me she won't get her head stuck. It's her first night with me. The grids I use have nine squares across. Thank you!
My piggies didn’t do this but I was worried about drafts in their cage so I bought cheap fleece blankets and glue gunned them so that they would slip right over the C&C grids, this may prevent her from trying to stick her head through!
My piggies didn’t do this but I was worried about drafts in their cage so I bought cheap fleece blankets and glue gunned them so that they would slip right over the C&C grids, this may prevent her from trying to stick her head through!
She is so excited because she has been all alone her whole life. She heard all of my other pigs squeaking tonight and got so excited 😆. I have 15 now.
Gorgeous girl! She sounds pleased to be hearing other piggies! I hope bonding her with one of the other pairs goes well!
At her age and size and with 9 hole grids, it’s unlikely she will get stuck.
I keep wire cutters in my piggy room, just in case. When my piggies were little I used cardboard or corflute to stop them putting their heads through the cage squares (otherwise I couldn’t sleep).
She’s absolutely gorgeous! :love: Congratulations, she’s going to have an amazing life with you, hope she can bond with some of your girlies and have some piggy mates soon:luv:
She looks like a lovely little character. You're so lucky to have all that space for lots of piggies!
Gorgeous girl! She sounds pleased to be hearing other piggies! I hope bonding her with one of the other pairs goes well!
At her age and size and with 9 hole grids, it’s unlikely she will get stuck.
Thank you. So far she hasn't even tried today. Thank goodness!
I am so excited to report for anyone who followed this thread. I was able to make a trio with Korra and my sweetest pair of females. It was a rough first hour, but then things settled down. They are in a 2 by 12 c and c cage. They get along perfectly. They have been together for a week now. I am so happy she has friends! I have never seen a guinea pig popcorn as hard as her. Thank you for the support and advice!