Burying head!

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Jun 19, 2011
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I find I can sit and watch my guineas for hours and today I pretty much have! I have noticed that one of them keeps trying to bury his head/get underneath the other! The other does seem to appreciate this much especially when hes trying to sleep so squeals at him!

Any ideas as to why he may be doing this? They are 8 week old brothers and ive only had them a week
Have your piggies got hideys? It sounds to me like one of the piggies is still trying to hide as much as possible (main thing is head is safe; it doesn;t matter if the back end is sticking out!).

You can makse some easily from cardboard boxes. Just cut some openings. Ideally it's one per piggy, but at least one where they can snuggle together if the wish to.
i agree the little one could be trying to hide orrr... it could be a comfort thing, it would stick its head under and nuzzle its mum for milk, warmth and protection, so a lack of hidey holes or new surroundings could cause this instinctive behaviour.
my baby daisy used to do this to her friend when shs was in her playpen :) xx
Well that does make sense lol! Its funny because vinny got his own back on pauly d by doing it to him! needless to say he got the message and stopped :))
I agree with skelly most likely a comfort thing, my bubs try and do it to thier dad, he doesnt mind snuggles but I think they try and get at his nipples sometimes :)) most of the times theyve done this are at clean out times when on the floor feeling a bit vaulnurable. Add some hideys or maybe a teddy?
Well the boys are now in their run and I found a box (the ones your get build a bear teddies in) its got a lovely big archway and lots of room, the boys are absolutely loving it :)
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