New Born Pup
Hi guys! So my guinea pig ( Cheeky) had been making grunting/moaning sounds whilst peeing for a while- I’m giving him vitamin c in his water but mum refuses to take him to the vet to get checked out for UTI ( our last piggy died there when we left him there for care while we were away, and they are a general animal centre and have no experience with small animals. Also there are no other vets nearby. I’ve tried so hard to get her to let us! Like I’ll pay and everything but she won’t.) anyway, so he did it again a few minutes ago, and I could see a slimy thing on his bottom, so I went to the barthroom to help him wash it off- but it got on my hand and BURNED! I have a slight skin irritation around my fingers but the skin wasn’t broken and I don’t think normal urine ought to have burnt my hand like that. I know this is a weird story but I just need some help! Any idea what this could be? If there’s medicine or something I’m allowed to buy it online or at this big farm supplies place, so open to suggestions . Thank you!