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Bump that keeps coming back


New Born Pup
Sep 18, 2023
Reaction score
My 5-year-old piggy keeps getting a bump on her rump. It grows slowly (3/4 months on average) and does not seem to bother her at all - she eats,poops and runs around as per usual. I took her to the vet the first time I noticed it, he squeezed it out and basically said it was a pimple. The thing came back twice since and she was seen by a vet every time. In all occasions, we were given Caremast to apply to the site for a total of two days.
I am very confused about what it actually is?
It could be a cyst. I would keep an eye on it and take them back to the vet if it gets worse. Sometimes the vet can squeeze them out and sometimes they need removing surgically.
My 5-year-old piggy keeps getting a bump on her rump. It grows slowly (3/4 months on average) and does not seem to bother her at all - she eats,poops and runs around as per usual. I took her to the vet the first time I noticed it, he squeezed it out and basically said it was a pimple. The thing came back twice since and she was seen by a vet every time. In all occasions, we were given Caremast to apply to the site for a total of two days.
I am very confused about what it actually is?

It sounds like a refilling sebaceous cyst to me? They tend to do that unless they are removed operatively. The cysts themselves tend to be harmless but can grow to quite a size and become infected. The filling has a cheese/play-do like texture when you feel them and they should sit loosely in the skin.