The feet don’t look terrible to me - was it worse
Soaking can soften the skin too much so there is a balance to be found.
Guinea Lynx :: Pododermatitis
Regarding the diet and being overweight.
How did the vet determine they were overweight? Was it purely by the number on the scales or was their heft checked?
The number on the scales actually doesn’t mean anything in terms of what is healthy for them - there is a huge range of adult weights. One of my boars was 1550g in his prime, anything less and he would have been underweight as his ribs would have greatly showing. One of my other boars only just hits 1000g and would be overweight at anything more as I wouldnt be able to feel his ribs .
Piggies generally only become overweight if they are largely overfed in pellets, and left with constant access to pellets. Yes, over feeding veg particularly sugary veg such as carrots (which shouldn’t be in the diet anything more than a tiny piece no more than once a week) will also have an impact but it is harder to become overweight on the recommended leafy veg.
If their diet was a recommended one of unlimited hay, one cup of leafy veg per day and one tablespoon of pellets per day, along with getting exercise then it’s unlikely a piggy will become overweight. It’s also highly unlikely they won’t get enough vitamin c.
Please do tell us about their diet and we can see if we can help.
Our weight and diet guides are below
Weight - Monitoring and Management
Long Term Balanced General And Special Needs Guinea Pig Diets