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Specialist Bumblefoot issue.


Junior Guinea Pig
Dec 28, 2016
Reaction score
United Kingdom
So a couple of months ago I noticed my boy Cornelius had a scab on his front foot. I took him to vets; we were advised to continue with Epsom Salt feet soak and to peel off the scab to allow the iodine solution to get into the area.

Anyways, it didn’t improve... if anything it became more swollen and his other foot also began to scab. So we went back, and he was given a course of antibiotics Marbocyl and the Espom soaks continued. Well... it’s done nothing.

I’ve maintained his enclosure, spot cleaning everyday and changing bedding. He has half fleece and half woodshavings.

I have gone back to the vets again, and they can’t do much more if he isn’t responding to antibiotics, they don’t see the point in continuing if he isn’t responding and it’s the case of keeping him comfortable!

Due to where I live and my local vets having minimal info re: Guinea Pigs, I’m thinking of going to an Exotic Vets to see if they will have a different opinion. I can’t just leave it to get worse!

Does anyone else have any suggestions I could try? Any success stories?
Don’t have any experience with bumblefoot. But I would go visit the exotic vet if you can, soon as you can. How is he in himself? He may be in pain and not have any obvious outward signs.

Hope he’s sorted soon. I wouldn’t bother going back to those vets if I were you.

PS there’s a list on here of vets that are recommended by people. Maybe have a search in there to see if there’s one near you.
Don’t have any experience with bumblefoot. But I would go visit the exotic vet if you can, soon as you can. How is he in himself? He may be in pain and not have any obvious outward signs.

Hope he’s sorted soon. I wouldn’t bother going back to those vets if I were you.

PS there’s a list on here of vets that are recommended by people. Maybe have a search in there to see if there’s one near you.

Yes, I am looking to go to the nearest exotic vets. I just can’t believe I haven’t been given another route to try from the vets! Just given the response of making Cornelius as comfortable as I can whilst he’s still here with pain relief!

I’ve been trolling online and this forum to get some advice and ideas to try. Have seen a thread on here about a guinea pig that had severe Bumblefoot and was treated with Zithromax and it worked... I’m going to look into this option.

Cornelius has his days! Eating, drinking and pooing fine, however not active. He hasn’t had the best of luck with his health lately; He obviously has Bumblefoot and a couple of weeks ago he had URI. He’s lost his weight when he had URI, looks frail, lost muscle mass. He hasn’t put back on his original weight of 1.2k (he’s a skinny pig), his weight dropped to 930 at lowest. He’s currently around a steady 1k and a little over, so hasn’t dropped below in almost a week.


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I definitely think it's worth seeing the exotic pet vet because they may have more guinea pig experience. There are definitely other antibiotics to try. Just giving up on it isn't a good option, as it's going to get more painful and inflamed. The odds of getting him healthy and not permanent damaging or losing the foot go down the more advanced it gets, so I would keep on top of it with the exotics vet sooner rather than later. All the best!
Did they at least prescribe him some pain relief then? Unfortunately they don’t know much about piggies (not their fault) so don’t know what can be done - hence probably saying to just make him comfortable. Hope you get an appointment soon. I’m sure the (more experienced exotic) vet will talk through options with you once your baby has been examined.
Try and get it sorted, I ended up getting my boy PTS when all treatments failed. :(
He was given Marbocyl antibiotics and Metacam for pain relief! He’s currently just on the metacam now as they didn’t want him to continue with Marbocyl.
I am booking for him to see an exotic vet today,
Did they at least prescribe him some pain relief then? Unfortunately they don’t know much about piggies (not their fault) so don’t know what can be done - hence probably saying to just make him comfortable. Hope you get an appointment soon. I’m sure the (more experienced exotic) vet will talk through options with you once your baby has been examined.
He was given Marbocyl antibiotics and Metacam for pain relief! He’s currently just on the metacam now as they didn’t want him to continue with Marbocyl.
I am booking for him to see an exotic vet today
I definitely think it's worth seeing the exotic pet vet because they may have more guinea pig experience. There are definitely other antibiotics to try. Just giving up on it isn't a good option, as it's going to get more painful and inflamed. The odds of getting him healthy and not permanent damaging or losing the foot go down the more advanced it gets, so I would keep on top of it with the exotics vet sooner rather than later. All the best!
I’m not giving up on him! I will be booking for him to go into the exotic vets today.
Sorry I have not been on here much as been away. It really seems bumblefoot seems to be a bit of a issue in the skinnies. I have one myself i am struggling with regards to her back feet being awful. Has you boy been on any metacam or any other forms of pain relief or anti inflammatories. These would definitely be worth trying for a time to see if it improves as it could be an underlying pain which is causing him to not walk or sit properly. What bedding is he on? May also be worth trailing something different to see if it helps his feet out at all. Longer term you may need to look at trailing dressings to get his feet back to normal. All cases are very much different but I have to admit they are difficult to get under control and get to the bottom of. If you need a hand finding a vet feel free to let me know. Or if you above any other questions.

Sorry I have not been on here much as been away. It really seems bumblefoot seems to be a bit of a issue in the skinnies. I have one myself i am struggling with regards to her back feet being awful. Has you boy been on any metacam or any other forms of pain relief or anti inflammatories. These would definitely be worth trying for a time to see if it improves as it could be an underlying pain which is causing him to not walk or sit properly. What bedding is he on? May also be worth trailing something different to see if it helps his feet out at all. Longer term you may need to look at trailing dressings to get his feet back to normal. All cases are very much different but I have to admit they are difficult to get under control and get to the bottom of. If you need a hand finding a vet feel free to let me know. Or if you above any other questions.


You’re telling me! It has been stubborn and not responded to antibiotics; an antibiotics called Marbocyl which is apparently more targeted than Baytril, which the vets have now stopped prescribing him. I’ve contacted around various vets including exotics to tell them about what has been tried and to see what they can do differently and they’ve all pretty much said the same; about trying to manage the Bumblefoot now. I am not giving up though on finding another vet that will come up with some other answers!
I have heard about Zithromax through this forum and this is an option I will be trying.
He is currently on metacam for the time being and having iodine soaks instead of Epsom salt soaks now.
Previously my skinny (Cornelius) was on 1/2 fleece, 1/2 woodshavings however since it’s gotten worse I have changed it to full fleece to provide extra comfort to the padding’s of his foot.