I just recently bought 2 new guinea's on December 22nd of this month. They had been doing fine for a little while, until just yesterday I noticed that one (Nea) seemed lathargic and cold, she was shivering and nearly looked to be sleeping or trying to during a time she would not normally sleep. This particular guinea was the more skittish of the two and it was extremely out of charector. She even let us grab her and lay her down on her back without trying to flip over and that was EXTREMELY uncharacteristic as we had never even been able to touch or grab her yet without her running. I had to bring her back to petco and they have a doctors appointment tomorrow on Friday the 30th. I fear a UPR. They are so young and I am worried about her pulling through..
Then this AM as I was researching things on the internet I learned about bumblefoot, and not while looking at my remaining guinea at the moment, I am worried about that as well! This guinea (Nala) seems to be fine so I dont think the bacteria affected her to give her a UPR. But she is a little heavier than the other one, and does seem to get around a little slower than the other when the other (Nea) was showing healthy. It seemed normal as she was just less skittish and a little larger/chunkier pig. But after looking at her front foot now I am concerned about potentially having bumblefoot. I have attached some pictures, any opinions here?
Then this AM as I was researching things on the internet I learned about bumblefoot, and not while looking at my remaining guinea at the moment, I am worried about that as well! This guinea (Nala) seems to be fine so I dont think the bacteria affected her to give her a UPR. But she is a little heavier than the other one, and does seem to get around a little slower than the other when the other (Nea) was showing healthy. It seemed normal as she was just less skittish and a little larger/chunkier pig. But after looking at her front foot now I am concerned about potentially having bumblefoot. I have attached some pictures, any opinions here?