Bum matting on a short haired guinea pig


Forum Donator 2024/25
Aug 17, 2020
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Hi all,

Hope you’re well.

For the second time, I have found a small matted spot on Rosie’s bum. She’s an active healthy 3 year old, but quite chonky, she clearly can’t properly reach her bum area when groomimg. She isn’t dirty otherwise, just some matting.

I managed to gently get it out over a couple of days, would brushing her regularly do the trick, or should I start trimming the fur around her bum?

Here’s a blurry pigture of Rosie’s zoomies.


And a pigture of Rosie in her happy place.

Have you considered a fairly regular bum bath? Mine are short haired but Dignified Sir George is slightly fluffy round the trousers area and Mischievous Master Boris is a bit of a dirty boy who likes sleeping in his "mess". Neither of mine find it at all distressing.
If she were mine I'd try regular brushing and see how it goes. If any knots are too hard to get out with a brush then I'd cut them off. Any knots too close to the skin to cut will often unknot if cut through the middle and gently brushed. It may be a case of trial and error!

Rosie and Lily are gorgeous. ❤️
I’d try regular brushing and trimming of the hair around the back end/legs.
I have to groom Miss Bramble of the Fluffy Fur every day or else her fur gets all tangled up. She's not keen but is getting used to it. If I leave it any longer than a day it's a nightmare. Her top fur is always kept beautifully groomed by her but its her curly underlayers that get all tangled up and she has A LOT of it atm as her winter underlayer has grown in. If she has any mats that are to uncomfortable to comb out I cut them off. Her floofy trousers are impressive as is her floofy skirt when it grows out.

You may find my guide to trimming fur helpful.

An Illustrated Guide to Hair Cutting