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Bum bath for a sheltie


Junior Guinea Pig
Feb 18, 2023
Reaction score
Hi guys!
I have a sheltie, meaning she has fairly long hair that grows quite quickly.
With that, she gets her bum quite dirty and yellow after about a month of trimming around that area (which stresses her SO MUCH), plus she HATES being combed and runs away everytime so that area gets quite MATTED.
i was wondering how often could i give her a bum bath?
would you recommend giving her a bum bath with or without shampoo? Is water efficient enough?

Thank you all in advance
A quick bum bath is ok but it would be best to mostly only use plain water.
It would be better to keep her hair trimmed shorter (I know, easier said than done - I have a long haired piggy who who isn’t all that keen either) than repeatedly bath
I also know the pain (two coronets in the past).
One of mine was very easy to trim as long as he had some food in front of him, the other was actually more scared of the sound of the scissors than the haircut.
Sometimes it's easier if you can get another person to lift the piggy up close to their chest (like you're giving them a cuddle), that way the hair hangs down a bit more and you can give it a good trim whilst your partner keeps them still/ feeds them a ridiculous amount of cucumber.

I used to have to give one of mine a water bum bath every three months or so as he didn't do the usual piggy thing of lifting his bum up when he needed a wee. I found it better to pop him in the sink with his rear end just under the water stream and over the plug hole, then watch the exiting water slowly turn from yellow back to clear (gross but that was the reality). When it was clear I knew he was clean enough to dry off and pop back in the cage. He didn't find the bum-shower stressful at all, mainly because he was fed a load of fresh grass throughout the process.
Edit: I helps if you can get your piggy to prop themselves up a bit during this process, i.e. feed them some treats on a brick or something as this means that only their rear end is getting wet and not their chest. If your guinea pig is willing you could always get someone else to hold then up slightly.

I'd say give her a bum bath as often as absolutely necessary- it's important that she stays hygienic. Water only baths are best if possible because they don't carry the same risk of irritating the skin.
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The Ever Beautiful Betsy was a Sheltie with a coronet. I had to give her a very fashionable wedge cut every 6 weeks. Here is my hair cutting guide for you. Please note that it took along time before Betsy would sit still to let me cut her hair. First of all I had to have somebody to hold her while I trimmed away and very often she would go around with half of it cut for a couple of days while she calmed down enough for me to cut the rest. Remember it's not a beauty contest and takes practice.

An Illustrated Guide to Hair Cutting
I have 2 Peruvians and bath them every couple of months. I find the easiest way to trim them is to place them on an upturned plastic container . I have one just the right piggy size. They sit there happily while i comb the hair and the long hair hangs down over the sides of the container and then i can carefully snip around .
The Ever Beautiful Betsy was a Sheltie with a coronet. I had to give her a very fashionable wedge cut every 6 weeks. Here is my hair cutting guide for you. Please note that it took along time before Betsy would sit still to let me cut her hair. First of all I had to have somebody to hold her while I trimmed away and very often she would go around with half of it cut for a couple of days while she calmed down enough for me to cut the rest. Remember it's not a beauty contest and takes practice.

An Illustrated Guide to Hair Cutting
I feel like Betsy would have loved Misa. Misa also walks around with her hair half cut because she wouldn't let me do the other half!
I also know the pain (two coronets in the past).
One of mine was very easy to trim as long as he had some food in front of him, the other was actually more scared of the sound of the scissors than the haircut.
Sometimes it's easier if you can get another person to lift the piggy up close to their chest (like you're giving them a cuddle), that way the hair hangs down a bit more and you can give it a good trim whilst your partner keeps them still/ feeds them a ridiculous amount of cucumber.

I used to have to give one of mine a water bum bath every three months or so as he didn't do the usual piggy thing of lifting his bum up when he needed a wee. I found it better to pop him in the sink with his rear end just under the water stream and over the plug hole, then watch the exiting water slowly turn from yellow back to clear (gross but that was the reality). When it was clear I knew he was clean enough to dry off and pop back in the cage. He didn't find the bum-shower stressful at all, mainly because he was fed a load of fresh grass throughout the process.
Edit: I helps if you can get your piggy to prop themselves up a bit during this process, i.e. feed them some treats on a brick or something as this means that only their rear end is getting wet and not their chest. If your guinea pig is willing you could always get someone else to hold then up slightly.

I'd say give her a bum bath as often as absolutely necessary- it's important that she stays hygienic. Water only baths are best if possible because they don't carry the same risk of irritating the skin.
I tried with the help of my dad and it was fairly easier thank you! ❤️ she usually kicks me 😂 also i wanted to ask you do you think mines a coronet or a silkie? Here in italy we don’t do much distinction, we only say sheltie 😂


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The Ever Beautiful Betsy was a Sheltie with a coronet. I had to give her a very fashionable wedge cut every 6 weeks. Here is my hair cutting guide for you. Please note that it took along time before Betsy would sit still to let me cut her hair. First of all I had to have somebody to hold her while I trimmed away and very often she would go around with half of it cut for a couple of days while she calmed down enough for me to cut the rest. Remember it's not a beauty contest and takes practice.

An Illustrated Guide to Hair Cutting
Thank you so much! ❤️
I have 2 Peruvians and bath them every couple of months. I find the easiest way to trim them is to place them on an upturned plastic container . I have one just the right piggy size. They sit there happily while i comb the hair and the long hair hangs down over the sides of the container and then i can carefully snip around .
Will definitely try this next time! Thank youu
A quick bum bath is ok but it would be best to mostly only use plain water.
It would be better to keep her hair trimmed shorter (I know, easier said than done - I have a long haired piggy who who isn’t all that keen either) than repeatedly bath
Bought clippers and it did wonders thanks!
Wanted to ask though: sometimes my piggies like to wonder round on the floor especially my long haired one. And at times it does happen that she pees on the floor (non absorbent) and drags her pee from her belly a bit. Is it ok if i still don’t bathe her in those cases? Thanks
Aww, she's adorable!
Definitely not a coronet though, they have a very distinctive crest in the middle of their head like the one in my profile picture. :)
Bought clippers and it did wonders thanks!
Wanted to ask though: sometimes my piggies like to wonder round on the floor especially my long haired one. And at times it does happen that she pees on the floor (non absorbent) and drags her pee from her belly a bit. Is it ok if i still don’t bathe her in those cases? Thanks

Wiping her belly with a damp cloth as that happens would be better than continual bathing.