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Hi everyone! Sorry my first post is asking for advice!

I have had two baby girls for 2 weeks... though one is alot bigger than the other (thinking the smaller one is either a lot younger than the breeder told me or shes the runt). They were living together along with a few others, apparently with no problems.

Now the larger one (Cinnamon) is being very aggressive... I've never seen the smaller one (Zara) act aggressive back at all, but cinnamon continues to nip, and harass ickle zara.

They have plenty of hiding holes, bedding and things to do in their cage, and I've been putting food in several places around the cage because Cinnamon tends to chase zara off whenever she tries to eat.

Any time I witness the aggressive behaviour i've been saying No and clapping, but she will just do it again seconds later.

Is there any hope for these two? I'd hate to have to give one away.

Opps forget to add that they both had very bad lice infections (very very bad breeder it seems, they were both completely infected). Its been treated now, but in the past I've known piggies to get quite irritable when they have parasites. could that have affected it? though surely they would be getting along now they are gone?
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When i got my first two i remember crying because i thought little Bee was being bullied by her sister who was bigger. Now the tables have turned and i realise that couldnt have been further from the truth, Bee is a little monkey and Bumble is so sweet, its just that Bee is a big drama queen and goes mental at nothing haha! I'm not saying this is definately whats happening with yours but they need time to work out whats what, if theyve been used to living in a group they'll have had a status within it, now they have their own little group they need to re-adjust. I'd give them some more time, unless one is stopping the other eating or drinking etc she should be ok. If it does carry on for more than a few weeks or someone gets badly hurt i'd separate but until then leave them be i'd say. They should settle down. I hope so anyway :)
welcome to the forum by the way!
Love Emma
thank you for the advice. glad to know your piggies are okay now =) I will wait on mine and see what happens. its heart breaking to see them squabble though!
I know what you mean, its better to try and let them sort it out than separate because then you have two lonely piggies and its even harder trying to find other pigs theyre not used to for friends! You wouldnt think they'd be so complicated! I started with two and ended up with six because i didnt want any lone ones!
I have a similar story to Emma, I have two boars and was really worried because Ted is smaller than Dougal and he seemed to be getting bullied loads by Dougal, but after I watched them over several days turns out Ted is also a drama queen! bless him!
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