Bullying Post 'bonding'... Do I Persevere?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Feb 21, 2009
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Brighton & Hove

Can anyone advise me of a bullying issue I have with my existing pig (Hyacinth) post bonding with a new piggy (Bluebelle)?

I’ve only had Hyacinth for 3 months and she was a rescue pig I paired with my Margot after I lost Scruffy. My beloved Margot sadly died too at the weekend and the opportunity arose to rehome Bluebelle from another rescue centre. I know that Hyacinth would need a friend eventually so agreed to try her and Bluebelle together (they are a similar age too with Hyacinth 10 months and Bluebelle about 7 we think).

Day 1 - At 1st I put them in a neutral pen and observed… Hyacinth was curious at first but after a while she showed all the signs of aggression towards Bluey (bared her teeth, snorting, ruffled hairs and small but nips and chasing) which got too frequent and about to get nasty so I (perhaps wrongly) separated them again at this stage.

Day 2 - After reading some more tips online, the next day I tried them again in my (dry) bath tub with towels on the bottom, put them either end and then food in the middle. This worked much better as they were both scared being in the strange tub and Hyacinth showed some aggression just at 1st but then they were happily sharing the veggies together and stayed happy. I didn’t want to actually give them a bath as Bluebelle still had ivermectin on her neck administered as a precaution at the rescue centre. Meanwhile I cleaned the whole cage with vinegar solution ready to try and house them together which I later did. This was ok at 1st with Hyacinth just showing some warnings initially. However after an hour or so Hyacinth was chasing Bluey around and giving her small nips and this went on for a few hours (no bloodshed and no aggression signals apart from chasing and nipping) but I knew I should try and let them get on with it (despite my lack of sleep!).

Day 3 – At breakfast time Hyacinth would not let Bluey anywhere near the veggies and the chasing and nipping started again. I put food both ends but Hyacinth still seemed to defend it as all being hers.

Come evening time I put them in a neutral pen together and Hyacinth showed her teeth once or twice and a couple of bites, then settled down and let Bluey eat the veg as well as her (even ‘lady and the tramp’ style happily sharing the same piece of spring greens!)… Bluey was squeeking and active and happy which I have not seen before. Then I put them to bed in the cage later together again… Hyacinth showed she was boss for maybe a minute then settled down (they were cuddled up asleep together when I went to bed!)

Day 4 - BUT this morning Bluey was on her own facing the corner not moving again even when I put food in separate places (cos Hyacinth owns all the food). I only witnessed 1 chasing though so it seems better, but still not ideal… poor little Bluebelle.

I don’t know what to do now.. do I persevere with the bonding or do I concede that they’ll never get along properly? It seems to be better than at first and I will bath them together today or tomorrow and hope that helps. I really don’t want to give that sweet lil Bluebelle back as I love her already and don’t have the room to get a second cage or divide the one I have..

Please be patient and persevere for a bit longer! The dominance phase, in which your girls are in the middle of, can last up to a few weeks with dominance behaviour slowly dying down. Dominance only determines the shape of a relationship, but not how deeply they will become attached to each other over time. But I agree, it is not great having to sit by and watch them working through it; I am always glad when it is over with a new one of mine!

Things should eventually quieten down. It is a very good sign that you have seen both girls snuggling up together; it means that they HAVE bonded well and look like they can become good friends over time!

You may see a return of dominance behaviour about every two weeks for a day or two, usually whenever Hyacinth has a strong season. But you may find that they girls will re-affirm their bond on the day after with some extra snuggling.
PHEW that's lovely to hear I'm doing the right thing, thanks for replying... I want to persevere as love them both, even though my Hyacinth is very dominant LOL!

Incidentally it's worth adding that they both came to me having never been handled... Hyacinth has got used to human contact more or less but Bluebelle is very scared in general.

Also, Hyacinth is a NIGHTMARE when in season and used to bully elderly Margot so much that I had to separate them for a day or so every now and again..

Pigs hey; it's sometimes hard being a piggy Mummy, especially when I'm still grieving over my super special Margot... (AND Scruffy even)

I'm hoping I'll get some sleep too soon!
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