bullying piggys

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Mar 26, 2011
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when i got my two rescue sows teddy and bear 3 weeks ago and put them with my 3 piggys. fluffy a boar who was neutered about 6 weeks ago, poke a sow and their kiddie called jack whos a sow. they all got on perfectly. but the last few days teddy and bear have been getting too big for their boots picking on the others.mallethead and teddy is also doing it to bear even though they have always been together.:{ is this a dominance thing or do you think it would end up in fighting and i should split them up? ?/
oh yer and i also found out the other day that teddy was pregnant when we got her so could that be why shes being a bully? :{
I sounds very much like a dominance thing to me and is normal for groups. As long as things don't get any worse and there are fights or one of the piggies is so stressed that she is losing weight, you have to sit out.

It should die down once the hierarchy is sorted to everypig's satisfaction and they will be a properly bonded group. Dominance looks to us a lot like bullying. We have to accept that piggy society is working differently to ours and piggies have to go through the whole gamut where we humans can get by with a hint.

I am sorry about Teddy's pregnancy. You can get advice and support in our pregnancy section.
As long as there is no actual fighting or blood drawn, everything should be fine :) Just like Wiebke said, it sounds like they're establishing dominance.

Hope everything goes ok with Teddy's pregnancy :)
thankyou :) i'v left them all together for now and i'm just going to keep a close eye on them all :)
i really hope her pregnacy goes well aswel. i no it's harder for them when their older and she was in bad condition when i got her. i really hope that her and here babies are going to be ok :{
yer i'm at a vets near me :) i'm just waiting to get some money to take her mallethead
That's good, and I hope you get money soon :) At least you have a vet near just in case. My vet is over an hour away since there are not that many piggy vet's in Michigan :{
holly moley thats a fair bit away :{ bless you
just thought i'd update whats happening. teddy is still being nasty to the others. and i don't think their having a good time so i'v put her is a separate cage for now. i'v put bear in with her as i didn't want her to be on her own and they have always been together but shes being nasty to bear still even though its a new cage. i don't want her to be on her own but i don't want bear to be misrable.? i just don't no what is is best for them all? and could it be anything to do with her pregnacy why shes being so horrible to the others? mallethead:(
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