Bullying Boar...

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Junior Guinea Pig
Nov 20, 2016
Reaction score
So I adopted my two boys on Sunday, since yesterday I've noticed Milo the noticeably bigger of the two pushing Matilda away from food dishes and chasing him away from hay and water bottle. When I got them they shared a bowl but I've given them a bowl for pellets and a bowl for vegies since I got them. Any help/advice appreciated. There hasn't been any sign of fighting yet just Milo bullying him and standing over if that makes sence
Sorry I should have been more clear they have a bowl each for vegies and pellets now
You could try scatter feeding and hiding veggies in toilet roll middles stuffed with hay. Makes food gathering more interesting for them and makes it harder for your boar to guard it all!

Also (if you havent already done so) make sure that there is at least two of everything, houses water bowls/bottles and hay sources.
I don't have Two water bottles yet but will get them thanks x
So I adopted my two boys on Sunday, since yesterday I've noticed Milo the noticeably bigger of the two pushing Matilda away from food dishes and chasing him away from hay and water bottle. When I got them they shared a bowl but I've given them a bowl for pellets and a bowl for vegies since I got them. Any help/advice appreciated. There hasn't been any sign of fighting yet just Milo bullying him and standing over if that makes sence

Hi! Guinea pigs have to re-establish their hierarchy in any new surroundings. what you are witnessing is typical dominance behaviour that should die down again over the next couple of weeks. How old are your boys?
I would recommend to feed pellets and veg 2-3 times a day in portions that can be eaten in one go to avoid food hogging. As unlimited hay should make up to 80% of the daily food intake, your boys won't go hungry in the meantime.
Recommendations For A Balanced General Guinea Pig Diet
Illustrated Bonding / Dominance Behaviours And Dynamics
I'm not sure how old they are the lady I got them from isn't sure herself but will defo try all these suggestions will try the toliet roll stuffed with hay as that sounds like it might be fun for them x
Tried the toilet roll and put some hay kale and coriander in it they looked like they had fun lol
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