Bullying between two sows?


New Born Pup
Mar 17, 2024
Reaction score
Hi hi :)

So, my two piggies are about 10 months old. I’ve observed them do their little dominance dance many times throughout the 9 months that I’ve had them, and recently noticed a shift in their little hierarchy. Kino has been acting more dominant and has now become the top pig, whereas Fen’s the underpig. Alright, no biggie.

Except that for the past couple of weeks, Kino will rumble anytime Fen is within sight. She follows her around, chasing, and I think trying to mount her (not sure cuz Fen always runs away before Kino gets to try anything). This behavior isn’t unusual for them, what worries me is how long it’s been going on. Fen’s always been more on the skittish side, but I think that’s really increased lately. The other day, Kino rumbled without even moving towards Fen, and Fen scrambled back into a hidey right away.

I know bullying between sows can be subtler and hard to spot, so I wanted some outside perspective on this. Any thoughts? Is it just a result from the hierarchy shift, or potential bullying? It’s also crossed my mind that maybe it’s a hormonal thing—perhaps Kino’s got a secret ovarian cyst, but I don’t know.

Any thoughts are appreciated.
With sows, if there is a changing behaviour and there is an almost constant rumbling and mounting behaviour then I would be suspicious of perhaps some ovarian cysts or hormonal imbalance that is causing the changing behaviour. I would think about arranging a vet visit to get her checked out for ovarian cysts or any other health changes that might be affecting her behaviour..
I don’t have much experience with sows but I’m sure experts will be along soon. I’d also agree to vet check for ovarian cysts or an underlying health issue that could have caused the shift

I also believe true bullying would involve Kino keeping Fen from eating or jealously guarding the food - though others please correct me if I’m wrong

Hope your girls get sorted, offering support