Please would someone be able to advise? We are new to guinea pigs this summer and have just lost one today- apparantly from shock. 4 weeks ago we bought 3 eight week old boys from a local breeder . They were so delightful and very happy together. Yesterday we noticed one of the guineas was trying to hump his neighbour and this behaviour, although not agressive was disturbing for the children to witness. We separated the perpitrator although, searching online, all I could discover was that it was perfectly natural behaviour and that he was trying to assert dominance in the herd. We put the boys back in together for the night, but this morning the 'victim' was listless and covered in diarrhoea and semen. A swift trip to the vet ensued and she believed him to be suffering from shock with a 50/50 chance of survival. She gave him antibiotics and painkillers. He died two hours later. The 'naughty' guinea is behaving perfectly normally today and the remaining 2 are cuddled up just as normal together. What I want to know is - do i have a dangerous 'rapist' style guinea on my hands who should be separated from the other, or was this just an unfortunate event for the children to witness? why didn't the breeder mention this type of behaviour when I got them? Yours sad and confused.