Buffy & Spike...The next Chapter

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Mar 15, 2007
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North Yorkshire
As some of you may have read Buffy and Spike have finally been introduced. I have just had them in my mum's bedroom and though I would share what photos I could get!

I have never seen Spike run around so crazily and I actually got some popcorning out of Buffy (she normally doesn't move and eats lying down!)

Here is Buffy posing....

I'm not quite sure what she is doing here!

Here is some video... Buffy is very good but the blur is Spike!

After a hard hour playing and getting to know each other it's time for bed!

Hope you like! I had so much fun watching them both!
Awww lovely pictures and movie. Love the guinea sounds on the video, Spike. ::) LOL. Buffy is just adorable and Spike is very cute and handsome. :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
Both adorable piggies! :p awwwh all snuggled up in the last pigture lol
How gorgeous! I love how she came up and investigated the camera in the movie ;D

Err i think she's cleaning somebody's butt for them ::) ;D ;D
video is gorgeous i like it when they have a chat and then do kisses awwww :smitten: :smitten:
LOL both look exhausted after their play :smitten: :smitten:
Thanks everyone!

I had so much fun last night with them... Spike was hilarious and Buffy... well I was so worried about how placid she was at first but after last night I needn't have worried. I think they do seem to get along as there is no teeth chattering only rumbling from Spike. Hopefully it won't be long before the divider can come out!

Guineas are great little animals... so glad I got them both. :) :) :)
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