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Junior Guinea Pig
Dec 28, 2011
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Do piggies brux?
By that I mean chatter there teeth when being stroked or talked to?
It's a common thing in rats and my 14 ratties do this when they are happy and content followed by an eye boggling action.

So yeh do pigs do this too as Rosie did this to me earlier today?
Yes, they do, but in piggies teeth chattering has a negative connotation - a piggy is expressing its displeasure and wants you to keep your distance.
mine do it as I sweep out the pen, I have always taken it as a "hurry up I want my veg" noise as I give them their veggies after a sweep out
It doesn't necessarily have to be a warning, mine do it sometimes when handled, they're otherwise stretched out and snoozing on my lap, and enjoying a chin rub (if they didn't want it, they wouldn't let me do it), we are yet to truly understand every sound they make and why..
Bruxing on rats is where they chatter there teeth which makes a sound known as bruxing. In rats it's a sign of contentment and being happy.
Yesterday I noticed my female piggy doing it and wondered if it ment the same the same thing.:)

Take this video, there's a lot they are saying to me in it, mostly "Where's the food?", there's a lot of 'licking and chewing' going on, we see this in horses when they're thinking about something.. and apparently it happens in most species, it's just harder to see in the smaller animals..
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