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Brown nasal discharge?


Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 4, 2019
Reaction score
Carbondale, Illinois
I have three guineas. Recently, our mocha was taking Orbax for a possible uri. She had a runny nose, he said her lungs and everything sounded great but to be on the safe side, he decided to medicate her. It’s been about two weeks since she’s finished her Orbax. However, I had penelope out today and one of her eyes had very little crustys on it and both of her nostrils had this brownish discharge on the inside. Her crusty’s are hard to see. They were a tan-ish color and barely any. He gave me enough medicine Incase penelope got sick as well. I checked mocha out and her eyes are fine, except in her nostrils, she had a little bit of that brown discharge as well. Not very much at all. The brown discharge isn’t crusty, it’s softer. I can wipe it away with my finger if I gently use my finger. I was planning to call the vet so he can prescribe the dosage for penelope, which is what he told me to do. However he’s out of town until Tuesday and all other vets can’t see them until Tuesday as well. So now I have a bottle of Orbax still and I’m not sure if both of them would have another uri or maybe it’s an allergy. I’m worried about that little bit of discharge in mochas nose, after she was medicated for an uri.
I also added some pictures. It’s hard to see but may have to zoom in a bit to see more!
Any opinions are greatly appreciated! :)


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I think you’re better off taking her to the vet to be checked. I don’t have a clue what it may be. Also, don’t medicate unless you’ve been told to do so.
I think you’re better off taking her to the vet to be checked. I don’t have a clue what it may be. Also, don’t medicate unless you’ve been told to do so.
I absolutely agree. I definitely won’t be medicating her by my own judgement. I just hate waiting until Tuesday for him to get back and then something happen. But it could also just be allergies. I love my guineas but I swear they team up together and say “let’s stress her out” 🤣