Brothers living side by side, one died


New Born Pup
Mar 5, 2015
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Hi, I had a pair of brothers that used to live together and then fought until blood so had to be separated. They lived side by side and often communicated. One of them unfortunately passed. I am wondering what is the best course of action for him. Should I look for another pig to live by his side? Should I attempt to introduce a new one to live with him? Should I get a pair by his side? Thanks
Someone will be along soon with links for some useful guides. Ideally the best thing for him would be a companion in the same cage. Obviously you can't guarantee compatibility but some rescues will arrange boar dating. If you go that route you will also be rescuing a boar who needs a home. How old is he?
I’m so sorry for your loss.

I would first and foremost try to find a new boar to bond with him so they can live in the same cage. This is best done via dating with the help of a rescue centre as they can help find a compatible piggy.
If the bonding doesn’t work then living side by side with the new piggy is the next best thing.

You could also consider neutering him and following the six week wait, find him a sow companion. Although his age would be a factor here - how old is he?

You can consider getting another pair to live next door to him but you would also need consider if the bond between the pair happens to break down that you’ve then you’ve got three single piggies (current my situation with a bonded pair and two singles. One of the bonded pair passed away last week so I now have three boars all living in three separate cages - it’s a lot of cleaning!)
Hi, I had a pair of brothers that used to live together and then fought until blood so had to be separated. They lived side by side and often communicated. One of them unfortunately passed. I am wondering what is the best course of action for him. Should I look for another pig to live by his side? Should I attempt to introduce a new one to live with him? Should I get a pair by his side? Thanks

Hi and welcome

I am very sorry for your loss.

Depending on your rescue access and the age of your boy you have the following options:
- Living together with another boar he can find a personality match with - this can be a same age adult or a baby (with the risk of a potential fall-out when the baby hits teenage). This would ideally happen via rescue dating.
The testosterone output gradually decreases from about age 4 onwards when boars become much more easily to bond. The most difficult bonding age for boars is during teenage, especially the testosterone peak around 6-9 months.

- Neutering so he can live with a sow or two after the 6 weeks post-op safety wait. If you can't rescue date, this would be ideally be younger sows under 2 years where you have the biological urges most strong working for you. Access to a good operating vet or to a rescue with desexed sows (only a few of those in the USA and not other countries) is key.
Neutered / De-sexed Boars And Neutering Operations: Myths, Facts and Post-op Care

- Living in a divided cage with another 'unbondable' single as his neighbour (boar or sow woud work as along as they cannot get into each other's cages.

- Living next to a pair of younger piggies (boys, girls or mixed gender with one party de-sexed).

Please take the time to think things through and have a look around to work out which of these options are viable where you live. You usually don't have all of them working out; it depends very much on rescue access (some countries have none or very few) and what is up for adoption or even dating - which is not something many rescues will offer as it is time consuming. If you would like to continue with guinea pigs, then adopting a bonded pair would be the better way forward. How old is your surviving brother?
As long as he is eating and drinking, you have the time to explore your options and to plan ahead.

Here is some more in-depth information on various aspects:

Single Guinea Pigs - Challenges and Responsibilities (contains a chapter on companionship and how to best navigate it)
A Closer Look At Pairs (Boars - Sows - Mixed)

Rescues (Adoption and Dating), Shops, Breeders or Online? - What to consider when getting guinea pigs

Adding More Guinea Pigs Or Merging Pairs – What Works And What Not?
Bonding and Interaction: Illustrated social behaviours and bonding dynamics
So sorry for your loss.
I can’t add to the advice given but hold you in my heart ❤️
Be gentle with yourself as you grieve