Brothers Fighting :(

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New Born Pup
Sep 12, 2014
Reaction score
England, UK
Hi there :)
Thanks for looking at this thread.

I got 2 brother piggies 2 years ago and they have lived happily together since then. No health issues except a bladder infection which was sorted quickly and gone forever hopefully. Since the fall this year, one of the guinea pigs ( the brown one in pic) started chasing the other, nipping/ nudging at his bum and making
rumbling noises while the one being chased is Squealing...
Now, they are both going for each other, usually at evening time. They are indoors now because of the weather. Have I put them in too early? I always put them in their run outside everyday but cannot put them on grass because of slugs and snails :(

They haven't hurt each other or rather made each other bleed. I saw them lunging at each other a couple of minutes ago and have put one in a dog cage with small holes. However, I can't keep him in that.

I'm not sure what to do. I cannot afford another indoor cage. Do I put them back in their outdoor cage? They started chasing in there though...

They have two food bowls, they got plenty of hay to share between them, two water bottles, big shelter they can share and just had their veggies.

Thank you.
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I am very sorry! Adult boar pairs can fall out over territory changes after a move as they need to re-establish the hierarchy each in time in new surroundings. How big is their indoor cage? I would leave them separated for a day or two and then try a re-introduction after a buddy bath in neutral territory. Hopefully, they have by then settled down again and will get on again. As there haven't been bloody bites yet, there is still everything to play for!
Thanks for replying! The indoor cage's length 116cm, the height was 46cm and the width is 56cm.
Thanks again.
Is it smaller than their outdoors hutch? Any switch between cages can trigger a new bout, so please do not switch them around between indoors and outdoors until the winter is over.
The outdoor cage is H 61 x W 152 x D 61 cm.
Okay, I will keep them indoors but is it still okay to let them have a run outdoors?

I would wait until their relationship has stabilised again. It is very likely that the smaller indoors cage is the problem, as they are much more on top of each other, which can act as a catalyst for disputes and fights. The 2x5 ft run is what we recommend for two boys; would it be possible to bring it inside and keep your boys in that or have you got other pets that do not make it safe?
I think I got the correct run for them. I was going to say this started in the outdoor cage but a month ago, they had to go in the indoors because Ruffles had bladder infection. When he got better, after a week, I put them out again so this might be because of the changes in environment?
No, that will not be possible. I got 3 dogs roaming loose, they are usually okay with the small animals outside but not sure how they will be with them inside and I don't really want to risk it. Also, my mum wont be happy with the smell.
Try to keep them in a specific cage, though it was good of you to take precautions. I've really no idea what it could be, unless the weather or something is making one irritable.
a note on the dogs: i have two dogs in the house, and we moved the hutch and run indoors recently. the dogs react and act the same towards them: the little one has a run around the run once in a while, and the big one (a lurcher) comes to have a look once in a while (and i though she would have issues, being a lurcher, but she is not interested in chasing them, or anything like that). unless you try, you won't know how the dogs respond. (i do have a cover on the run, to keep them totally safe).
I have two sets of brothers which have both ended in fighting, so they had to be separated, so now I still have two sets of but they are cousins-LOL and get on well!
Hi everyone. Thanks for responding! :)
It turns out Ruffles has bladder infection again which could be why he is reacting to Tigger's acts of dominance? I don't know but we are taking him to the vets as soon as possible. Thank God Pets At Home vets are open on weekends as well as weekdays!

Because I have separated them, I was going to re-introduce them tomorrow in the bath but with Ruffles being ill, will that stress him too much? The meds the vet gave me last time lasted a week and a half, but I don't want to have them separate for so long that they cant go together like they did before.

Help...again please.

Thank you so much. :)
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