Brother and Brother - Why are they squabbling?

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Mar 7, 2010
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After the loss of one of my guinea pig today due to I believe URI, I had gone out and bought his brother as I had 2 prior to the loss and then one accordingly.

Now when I put them both in the cage (2 brothers - one I just bought was his brother), they squabbled and were nipping each other.

So I tried putting them on a bed so its not their territory (neutral ground) and they were fine with their "chutting" and "rumbling"


but occasionally they were nipping each other there too, not as often as they did straight away when I had them both in the cage.

They are now back in there cage ready to sleep and I have arranged it so they can acquire sufficient space (not enough to run around it, but to move by all means) until I can get a bigger cage to allow both to be feasible in it.

Now the question is, is it normal for them to nip each other when they are both trying to get food/water from their bowl. They are brothers as I said before, but I'm not sure if they acknowledge that like we do. :(|)

Anyway, I hope you can answer my question after my loss.

Thank you.
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Aslong as they aren't inflicting wounds, it should be ok.

My girls and boy do that sometimes, it's a get off that's my food! rolleyes
Thanks a lot.

If there is any more information, please provide me with it.


If you have the room you could try putting in 2 bowls of food and 2 water bottles that way they can both get to them and hopefully won't squabble.

Also if you can make sure there are 2 hidey places so they can both get away from each other if it all gets too much, that might help too.

When I introduced my 2 females to my boar, one of the females and the boar squabbled a lot to start with, I even noticed Nugget's (the boar) fur in Speedy's (the female) mouth after one of their disagreements.
I came on here for some advise and everyone said to persevere as long as no blood is drawn, as they are working out who will be the boss, because there has to be a boss!
I left them overnight and by the morning they had decided who was top dog or pig and they are now very happy together.

Your boys need to decide who's the boss, just keep an eye on them, make sure no bloody injuries occur and hopefully they will work it out and live together happily.
If blood is drawn you will need to separate them :{

Good luck and keep us posted :)
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