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Broken tooth


Senior Guinea Pig
Forum Buddy
Nov 22, 2020
Reaction score

Hi everyone. I noticed this afternoon that Percy has a weird bottom tooth! It’s not been like this for long as I was looking at his teeth recently making sure they were straight.

Should I be worried? Does he need to see a vet? He’s eating absolutely fine. In fact he’s put on 25g this week and is now 1395g. Fatty.

Hi, with teeth it is always worth seeing a vet for as there may be other damage you can't necessarily see...and if its caught early it can prevent later issues where he may stop eating...plus a check up is always good anyway...I'm glad he is happily eating hopefully it stays like that and by the sounds of it you don't need to be too worried but its still worth a check...
View attachment 198815View attachment 198816

Hi everyone. I noticed this afternoon that Percy has a weird bottom tooth! It’s not been like this for long as I was looking at his teeth recently making sure they were straight.

Should I be worried? Does he need to see a vet? He’s eating absolutely fine. In fact he’s put on 25g this week and is now 1395g. Fatty.



I would recommend to have the tooth checked because it looks somewhat discoloured and has something stuck to it.

Have you checked whether it is firm in the mouth or wobbling?
Hi, with teeth it is always worth seeing a vet for as there may be other damage you can't necessarily see...and if its caught early it can prevent later issues where he may stop eating...plus a check up is always good anyway...I'm glad he is happily eating hopefully it stays like that and by the sounds of it you don't need to be too worried but its still worth a check...

Thanks for your reply

I would recommend to have the tooth checked because it looks somewhat discoloured and has something stuck to it.

Have you checked whether it is firm in the mouth or wobbling?

Hiya @Wiebke. I didn’t wobble it so I’m not sure if it’s loose or not. I look at it again tomorrow. Yes it’s very brown and looks really overgrown/odd.
Hiya @Wiebke. I didn’t wobble it so I’m not sure if it’s loose or not. I look at it again tomorrow. Yes it’s very brown and looks really overgrown/odd.

If it is not wobbling, it means that there is no break further down (incisors are about 4 cm long and have their roots right back in front of the back teeth, so most of them is actually not visible. That is some good news.

But the tooth still doesn't look right. The break right at the top is very minor.
So Percy is off to the vets tomorrow at 3pm to have his teeth checked out. 😬

He’s eating ok so I hope it’s nothing too awful. 🤞


It’s like he’s got an extra piece of tooth growing around his tooth. Very odd.
Hope the vet can sort this out quickly for you. Glad he's eating well.
Good news. Percy has “injured” his tooth. The vet said it wasn’t broken or infected and it looked like the enamel is growing a bit weird. So I’m to keep my eye on it for now and go back if it seems to be causing any problems. Hopefully it will just grow out and grow back normal. 😃. I’m glad I got it checked out though just in case it was the start of something more complicated.

Percy was an absolute baby though and screamed the whole time the vet was looking at it. 🤣