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Broken tooth advice?


Junior Guinea Pig
Aug 3, 2022
Reaction score
Is there any telling how short a broken tooth has to be to grow back into the gums? Or is that just an unfortunate possibility?

I noticed my girl Pigeon's top left incisor broke off really short, and it's a ragged break, not a clean break. Last I checked her teeth, the left incisor was shorter than the other side, but not this dramatic. It's possibly broken off just at the gums? I'll have to get a better look at it in the morning since she's very hard to work with lol.

She's still happily eating and drinking so that's not a concern so far, just wondering if the tooth being so short is a problem?
It would be best to see a vet to get it checked.

Make sure you switch from weekly to daily weight checks so you can ensure she is still able to pick up enough hay and is maintaining her weight while the teeth are growing back.
here is a link that explains how the broken tooth should grow back with photos. As long as no infection get into the gums then it should go back fine 🤞If you are at all concerned or the gum area looks inflamed do see a vet

Guinea Lynx :: Broken Teeth