Broken bond - what can I do?


New Born Pup
Jul 19, 2021
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For several months now I've had a peaceful trio of boars. The youngest of them is three and they were all well out of hormonal phases when I got the third (Nussi) - the two first are father (Angel) and son (Storm). It's been going great up until now - no fights, barely any dominance behaviours - the hierarchy has been with Angel at the top and Nussi at the bottom.

I'm visiting my parents for the holidays and of course brought the boys. It's not the first time they've travelled nor the first time they've been here together; they know the routines and the cage. I know it has the space it needs for three boars - plus extra - and every hidey has had at least two exits. There's only been one water bottle, but two of everything else and plenty of cucumber to make up for it. This is the same setup as every time they've been here before.

Just earlier today, Storm did an abrupt turnaround and turned the hierarchy on its head. He's been chasing Angel like he's posessed the whole day; Angel has been huddled in a corner and barely eating and has jumped out of the cage on multiple occasions (it's on the floor and has walls only as tall as a guinea pig; it's the only option we have here). When I checked him over earlier, I realised his hind is absolutely COVERED in bitemarks. There are no severe or deep wounds as far as I can tell, but there are MANY of them, and though there's no bleeding, there's definitely blood.

I've separated Storm from the two others and put him somewhere else. The spacing is not ideal, but it's the best I can do at the moment. Angel has eaten and explored the new cage layout after I changed things around, and so far there doesn't seem to be any issues with him and Nussi.

I have a 6x2 CC cage at home. There is absolutely no space for an additional cage nor expansions - I have 24 square meters total and a very, very tight budget. Getting a fourth pig to match with Storm or Angel is therefore not an option, either. Current running theory is to place a divider between the cages, getting Angel and Nussi approximately 3.5x2 and Storm 2.5x2. I know that's not enough space. It's all I can give them.

Any suggestions or thoughts? I'm very unsure about what to do. I really don't want to give away or sell one of them, but if I have to, for their health and happiness, I will. I just really, really hope there's another solution. Any help would be appreciated.
I’m sorry to hear this.

It’s a very difficult situation - as you know, neither piggy(s) have enough space. A pair need a 5x2 and a single needs a minimum of a 3x2 to meet minimum sizing. If you try to keep a boar pair in a 3.5x2 then you also run the real risk of causing them space related issues also.

The solution to create enough space in each cage (so each cage was a 5x2) would be to stack them but Storm would need a new cage mate to be able to so that. (You can’t keep a single piggy above others as they lose interaction - they must be side by side.)

I’m really sorry, I’m not sure what we can suggest.
Don’t rush into any decisions though, it’s a new situation so you need time to consider things

I hope you can find a solution