Broke diet and ate a custard tart

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Forum Buddy
Oct 13, 2006
Reaction score
Croydon, Victoria, Australia
Silly me was being nice to Scott and bought him the mini custard tarts you can get from the supermarket as a treat (he's 6'2" and lanky cute too and no need of worrying about his waist line)

Had a lovely cold meat and salad dinner, low fat pretty good doing well, BUT couldn't resist and ate one of his custard tarts oh it tasted sooo yummy hadn't had one in absolutely ages.

Oh well back to the diet again tomorrow. Does anyone else break out like this too?
Its ok to get off the wagon now and again as long as you don't let it get away from you completely. The worst thing that people do is have a treat and then think they've ruined the diet and then go mad eating everything in sight. One custard tart isn't going to hurt you as long as you stitck with it from now :)
Well thanks but seen as i'm not mobile at the mo i really think i should be cutting down.

But that was nice of you thanks :) BTW need to drop 8 kilo being only 5'3" it goes straight to the waist line and looks shocking awful if you know what i mean
One of the beautiful things about Atkins is you can't cheat. If you do it shows up in the keto sticks (urine analysis). If it ain't purple you ain't burning fat.

So you don't cheat ;D
Waist line? don't forget the hips thighs bottom..... or is that just on me? ;D
Not started yet! Been feeling ill for the last few days so kept waiting, now got a bad throat so only soup for me!
I haven't started yet-there's too much left over from christmas-I have told myself that once its all done that's it and I'm not buying anymore---mmmm well that's the plan anyway! :)
I started last Monday and did really well all week - then weekend came and decided to treat myself to a curry on Saturday night - then Sunday I had a maccy D's ooppsss ?

This week started off not bad, and then we had some bad news about a family member, and the chocolate has started again! I'm probably better just trying to get the choc out of the house and then trying again! hehe :)

Trace x
I was going OK til last night. PMT set in and I gorged on choc and red wine. I feel better for it tho rather bizarrely. Back on 'my new way of eating' today tho.
Today I have had cheese, tomatoes and salami. Roast pork tonight. Getting thinner each day. I love it.
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