Bridge and the girlies

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Hi Chaps - after all this time i have now put my boy in with the girls. Well i have introduced them. And i have a few questions.

My boy has been fixed and i have waited 6 weeks to get them together
the live in seperate cages but can see each other all the time and have runs that meet so can sniff each other

i have followed instructions given when introducing

they got a bath and brush and dry, i used a neutral cage and made sure of lots of hiding places. Used an indoor cage with his tube, their tube and their pigloo

there was a lot going on. some rumbling, some snapping and if he had his way - lots of ****ing

i put them to bed back in their cages and plan to do this again tonight

when will i know its all good to keep them together?

the girls ended up hiding in his tube and he lay down outside with his head resting on one of the bums sticking out of the tube
ok when i have seen bonding there are no hideys and definitely none that a piggy can get trapped in by another piggy! I think it is also best if you just do one set of introductions and that it. there will be lots of rumbling and mounting and protests from the girls and the girls hierachy may get a bit confused too hence the snapping to keep everyone in their place. I think the best thing to do is to keep them all in a neutral area until everything has been relatively quiet for an hour - this process can take 3 or 4 hours it took 5 before i was happy to put my trio in the cage but i have one super dominant sow. Best to do it when you have lots of time to sit and watch them rather than lots of little sessions - wishing you all the best!
I agree with lovelygirl - just let them get on with it!

What you say sounds pretty par for the course. Most boys will get overexcited at first and girls tend to get stronger seasons in reaction to a male being around for the first few times, but everything will calm down nicely eventually! There doesn't seem to be any major aggression around apart from the usual telling off a boy has to live with!
so i should not put any hiding places in with them?

surely thats going to stress them out

they have not displayed anything i was particularly bothered about

no hair flying and not tearing chunks out of each other

and Bridge did a super popcorn session
Ideally, I put only hideys with two exits with a randy male around, so a girl has a chance of running off rather than getting agressive in order to get rid of him. Later on, you can put in normal hideys without problems.
ok i will try tonight with just tubes

it was funny how the girls seemed to take up with his stuff and vice versa

should itry him with one girl first?
When I bonded my Fred, to his (2)wives. I just put them all on the bathroom floor... and left them to work it out with a mountain of veg, I didn't use any hides, I was in earshot so if anything got out of hand I could intervene but my Fred didn't even mount he just ran about Br'ing lol. I left them about 1 hour , but I did know instantly they were fine by how they were acting and plus Fred is a softy!

My 3 piggies are all very laid back the 2 girls are bonded sisters, and Fred is just the outsider ;).
thats a big open spece you gave them - i was using an indoor cage

do i need a bigger space for them
Well I did intro's with 2 boars once in the bath... and that was just... terrible!

I had to rebond the next day on the bathroom floor...

I always go for huge spaces (well the twice that I have had to do it) you don't want them stepping on each others toes so to speak and there can be alot of running etc!

Big spaces help! :)
Just want to wish them all a HAPPY LIFE TOGETHER xx>>>xx>>>xx>>>
Good luck with the intro's so far it sounds pretty normal to what i've ever heard of :) but i'm not experienced in this area :red
maybe i will just let them loose in the dining room with the door shut
cannot see the wife letting me get away with that
Wait till she goes out let the piggles loose.... and lalalala... bonded back in hutch... Good Clean ;)! No one is any wiser. Somewere with laminated floors or hard wooden floors is good for operation clean up :))!

Pigs what pigs ;), you know they stay outside :)).
I bonded a neutered boar to 2 girls before christmas in a run and it was easy peasy. I now have to bond one crazy neutered boar with 6 girls in a few weeks and one of them is very dominant - not looking forward to that.

I am going to get some cardboard boxes and cut 2 holes in them for hideys and again do it in a run rather than in the cages. Scary!

I wish you well.
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