Breed Temperament

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jan 4, 2015
Reaction score
Swindon, UK
Hi Everybody!

I wonder if anyone can help me, I hope so! I was wondering if anyone knew any breeds that are very similar in temperament to the Sheltie?

I lost a Sheltie very early on in her life in 2014 and I just haven't been able to shake her from my thoughts. I miss her so much and it is pretty much all I can think of and now I want to try and find a guinea pig with a similar temperament to hers.

I know it all sounds a bit awful, I have 7 other guinea pigs who I love them all dearly. All are rescues and nothing makes me happier than to see them happy but I just feel like I have this void without my Sheltie :(

Thanks x

RIP Lily
Hi Everybody!

I wonder if anyone can help me, I hope so! I was wondering if anyone knew any breeds that are very similar in temperament to the Sheltie?

I lost a Sheltie very early on in her life in 2014 and I just haven't been able to shake her from my thoughts. I miss her so much and it is pretty much all I can think of and now I want to try and find a guinea pig with a similar temperament to hers.

I know it all sounds a bit awful, I have 7 other guinea pigs who I love them all dearly. All are rescues and nothing makes me happier than to see them happy but I just feel like I have this void without my Sheltie :(

Thanks x

RIP Lily

Temperaments are very individual, so there is not really a "breed temperament".

If you are craving a sheltie so badly and can travel to Walsall/Birmingham, the RSPCA branch there has got a number of neutered single sheltie boars and young sow couples looking for homes! They will rehome across the country, provided you pass a home check by your local RSPCA branch and can come and pick the piggy up in person. Please be patient, the branch is entirely volunteer-run, so it may take a few days for them to come back to you. The branch is on our list of recommended good standard, piggy savvy rescues.
Walsall Branch - Home -
Temperaments are very individual, so there is not really a "breed temperament".

If you are craving a sheltie so badly and can travel to Walsall/Birmingham, the RSPCA branch there has got a number of neutered sheltie boars and young sow couples looking for homes. They will rehome across the country, provided you pass a home check by your local RSPCA branch and can come and pick the piggy up in person.
Walsall Branch - Home -

Hi Wiekbe,

Thank you for getting back to me. I would be willing to travel to Birmingham, it is about an hour and a half from me.

I have had a look at their sheltie boys and they look and sound gorgeous but I have one major problem in that all my other pigs are outdoors :( don't worry, they are kept in a well insulated shed!

I will keep looking but thanks for your reply :) x
Hi Wiekbe,

Thank you for getting back to me. I would be willing to travel to Birmingham, it is about an hour and a half from me.

I have had a look at their sheltie boys and they look and sound gorgeous but I have one major problem in that all my other pigs are outdoors :( don't worry, they are kept in a well insulated shed!

I will keep looking but thanks for your reply :) x

I think that the RSPCA would accept an insulated, heatable dedicated piggy shed. All you can do is ask and try. I am going to date my peru diva Tegan there to find a new Mr or Mrs Right for her.
I'm not sure if there's a temperament connected to breed or not. I have had two sheltie crosses (part sheltie, part short hair) and both were very nice cuddly lap pigs, though, so you never know! One of my pigs, Linney, was a sheltie cross and she will always have a special place in my heart and has made me love the breed, so I understand what you're saying! I hope you're able to find a nice sheltie who needs a good home! :)
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