Boys suddenly started fighting

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My two boys, Barry and Paul, have started fighting and I've seperated them for the moment. They were rehomes and have been together since we got them about 6 months ago when they were estimated to be around 4 months old. This fighting has only started today but is not like their usual quarrels. Barry will not leave Paul alone, is continually trying to mount him and is nipping at him which is distressing Paul. Usually this sort of behaviour stops very quickly but I left them for almost 10 minutes with no sign of it stopping. I took Barry out and after half an hour or so I put him back in and he immediately went for Paul again. I've tried this a couple of times with the same result. I'm at a loss as to what to do as they've been best of friends up till now. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Bathing them together can sometimes help!

Have they drew blood or lunged into balls of fury... entwinded fur balls that can do damage?
No blood drawn so far but they are sperated for the minute, Barry trying to mount, lots of teeth chaterring (much louder than usual) and lots of distressed squeaking is all so far. Am going to wash them shortly as I heard this can help. As I said they've lived together since they were born I was told so cant understand why they would get like this all of a sudden, literally they were fine one minute and fighting the next.
No advice I'm sorry just support for what must be a stressful situation for you.
They are being washed as I type. Have been told we just have to keep them together and make sure things don't get too rough as they have to go through this because of their age, one has to assert domination. Not sure if this is right but thats the story up till now.
Apologies for double posting here, cant find the edit function. Whilst washing Paul we've noticed he has a cut on his back which I guess he must have got from a bite earlier on. Not sure if it will make any difference but thought I should mention it.
The usual advice here seems to be to keep them together if they are just posturing/making a noise, but separate them (permanently) if blood is drawn. Which sounds like it may already have happened; your choice whether to try again after the bath, but if there is another biting them definitely separate them.
Usually when blood is drawn there is no chance of a happily ever after, I've experienced it myself! I separated but I had balls of fury to help me reach my decision. If it's loud teeth chattering... more noise than normal I would say that it is aggresion and you best to start watching for Fury Balls have something ready to throw over them to separate DO NOT PUT YOUR HANDS IN!

I can only advice from my own experience and from reading about other experience, you know your pigs so best to do what you think is best :).
I am experiencing the same thing I'm afraid. Though Hamish is roughly 7 months now and Robin is 2 years and a bit - so the age gap is quite a difference. Hamish is going through the teenage hormone phase and up until last night things only got bitter on occassion, so sometimes it is best to leave it until you find that both you and the pig being picked on has reached the peak of worry!
I seperated last night and feel that for the moment it's the best thing.

As I've been told, listen to people's advice and take it on board. But ultimately you know them like no one else, so you know when enough is enough. Just keep an eye on the situation and you'll know what's best for them when you need to make the decision ;)
They seem to have settled down a bit. I think the cut was more likely from a claw as it is like a narrow scratch. They keep having another little grumble every now and then but it doesnt last long and theres no teeth chattering anymore and no serious biting. Hopefully they'll evetually tire and settle down. Thanks for the help anyway guys.
As for space, the cage they have is probably a little on the small side. I intend to build them a new one as soon as I can get hold of some corroplast which is proving difficult to find, as are the cubes but I may use something similar to chicken wire if thats ok to use.
Thanks for the link I'll get some ordered up. As for sign makers I'm sure there must be some in Glasgow so I'll get onto that tmrw.
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