Boys placed in sows (tabbys) hutch! What to do?

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Senior Guinea Pig
Jun 23, 2010
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Sorry for the urgent thread topic on the piggie forum. But I have a bit of a crisis. After months of carefully washing my hands before touching the boys, of the boys being fed, brushed, handled first its all come apart in one day!

I went to the docs yesterday evening leaving the pigs in their runs (sheltered) it was quite warm yesterday and I decided to give them a run around whilst I did some cleaning. However after going to the docs, I didn't feel too well (due to the fact that i shouldn't be moving out of my bed:x) and went to my nanas who lives close by for some rest and for my grandad to give me a lift back home.

Well i phoned my OH to ask him to bring the pigs in as it was getting dark, and colder, telling him to take the boys in first then tabby and percy-roo which we've done plenty of times together.

Which he had done until this morning he explained that last night he kinda got mixed up with the hutches and placed Harvey and Artie in Tabbys hutch and Percy-Roo and Tabby in the boys hutch.......and didn't realise till about half an hour that he'd got mix up and the boys go in the shed!


Tabby hutch does have pink garlands, flower mirrors and is only a single hutch *humph* anyways whats done is done. But obv. the hutch stinks of sow, and has only been 'poop picked' not thoroughly cleaned.

The boys, this morning, don't have any scars, scratches and aren't bleeding , teeth are fine, and no bumps, lumps or scratches/bites in their skin BUT they are at opposite ends of the hutch and are teeth chattering loudly at one another if one comes by.

What do i do? I can't do them a full hutch change as i'll collapse in a heap, and I don't want to bathe them as its winter and they live outside. Should I split them up temporary? Or just leave them if they're not fighting?

I am going to give them a bath and gradually put them back outside (un-heated room) on thursday which is my OH's day off and he can help me :)

Oh and Percy-Roo's and Tabbys hutch stinks (I mean stinks) of boar glue, the white stuff is everywhere on the sides, on the bowls, even on poor Tabby herself.:)>>>

Thank you for any suggestions and sorry for the many many posts this week!

x o x o
Can nobody else clean out the hutch and give it a good disinfectant to get rid of the sow smell? or can you put them in a temp home?
oh dear bless them, at least they aren't fighting, I would be tempted to leave them unless they do actually fight. A bath would be good on Thursday and maybe dry them thoroughly with the hairdryer to make sure they don't get too cold. Maybe you can get a good animal disinfectant to clean the whole cage down with as much as possible. We are all sending good vibes to the boys and praying they start to get along again soon!
Can nobody else clean out the hutch and give it a good disinfectant to get rid of the sow smell? or can you put them in a temp home?

There isn't anyone at home, as everyone is at work including my closest friends and one of my good friends who owns piggies is all the way in leeds at uni.

We do have a spare hutch in the back garden (its 4ft x 1ft not ideal but good in case of emergancy) which i could quickly scatter some hay inside incase they decide to have a disagreement!

Thank youuu for your reply :)

oh dear bless them, at least they aren't fighting, I would be tempted to leave them unless they do actually fight. A bath would be good on Thursday and maybe dry them thoroughly with the hairdryer to make sure they don't get too cold. Maybe you can get a good animal disinfectant to clean the whole cage down with as much as possible. We are all sending good vibes to the boys and praying they start to get along again soon!

I know I'm very thankful that they aren't fighting apparently they looked a little stunned yesterday in Percys and Tabbys hutch and were in the same spot they were placed in.

I don't want to cause more stress/upset by moving them, and then trying to bond them after a day apart.

I've got some miltons (diluted) to clean the hutch out with on thurs, I would clean it out tonight but by the time my OH gets in it's going to be going on seven and its awfully dark at seven to start cleaning and waiting for the wood to dry out!

Thank you for your reply xxxxx
I woldn't separate them at the moment. Perhaps chop some veg up and scatter with some fresh hay just to give them something else to think about. :)
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