Boys Not Getting On


New Born Pup
Jun 23, 2017
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Two months ago I adopted two baby boys from a rescue. Their indoor cage is a ferplast 120 and they go outside in a six foot run whenever the weather allows. I was told that they were a bonded pair, but from day one they have never got on. They've never injured each other, but every time they see each other there's rumbling and squeaking, then one runs off. They've never snuggled up together. Actually, they can't even stand to be in the same pigloo or tunnel. They're now four months old and the behaviour is escalating with more urgent rumbling and bum wiggling. I feel they're going to fight eventually, and even if they don't it's a sad life to live with someone you don't like.
My mother has noticed that they seem calmer when they are in the outside run so she wants to make them outdoor piggies. Considering the variable British weather among other things, I'm reluctant to move them outdoors permanently and I'm not convinced it will solve the issue. They may not rumble so much, but only because there's more space to avoid each other.
Please can I have some suggestions on how to move forward from here? Is there any hope for a future together for these two boys?
Two months ago I adopted two baby boys from a rescue. Their indoor cage is a ferplast 120 and they go outside in a six foot run whenever the weather allows. I was told that they were a bonded pair, but from day one they have never got on. They've never injured each other, but every time they see each other there's rumbling and squeaking, then one runs off. They've never snuggled up together. Actually, they can't even stand to be in the same pigloo or tunnel. They're now four months old and the behaviour is escalating with more urgent rumbling and bum wiggling. I feel they're going to fight eventually, and even if they don't it's a sad life to live with someone you don't like.
My mother has noticed that they seem calmer when they are in the outside run so she wants to make them outdoor piggies. Considering the variable British weather among other things, I'm reluctant to move them outdoors permanently and I'm not convinced it will solve the issue. They may not rumble so much, but only because there's more space to avoid each other.
Please can I have some suggestions on how to move forward from here? Is there any hope for a future together for these two boys?

Hi and welcome

Your two boys have at 4 months entered the hormonal teenage months. Your observation that lots of space is needed is a correct one, but making them permanent outdoors piggies is not the best solution.

Please have a read through these links here and if necessary contact the rescue. Is it one of our recommended rescues?

It is only through the next few months when your babies develop their adult identities that you find out whether boars really mesh and get on as a pair or not. They may be happier as next door companions with their own territory each, but interaction through the bars.

Boars: A guide to successful companionship.
Boars: Bullying, Fighting, Fall-outs And What Next?

Cage Size Guide
All About C & C Grid Cages Around The World
Cold Weather Care For Guinea Pigs
Hot Weather Management And Heat Strokes
So sorry I haven't replied before now. Wiebke, thanks for the links. I'd read most of them before but it was good to read them again now we're in the middle of hormones.
After I posted the piggies seemed to settle down for a bit, although when they did show aggression their behaviour was worsening. Then three days ago we woke to one piggy limping (no visible wound) and the other with a cut perilously close to his eye. So they are now separated while we consider what to do. They're still clicking and posturing at each other through the divider though, so it doesn't look like a reintroduction will be possible any time soon!
Sadly there isn't a recommended rescue within 60 miles of me and I don't drive. I'm not inclined to go back to the one we got these piggies from either. So the boys will have to continue to live in a partitioned cage for the time being, at least until after the summer holidays. I've ordered a c&c cage that can be more easily partitioned, and extended if we decide to get one of them a new companion. Hopefully all this can have a happy ending eventually.