Boys in the bath

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Junior Guinea Pig
Aug 18, 2006
Reaction score
My boys having a bath. They are very well behaved and don't complain one little bit. The only bit they don't like is the hairdryer afterwards :D


awwwwww they look so cute all wet! hehehe Wish Squeak took it as well! haha

Trace xx
michellemuffin said:
awww bless them I love wet piggys they look so dumfounded and surprised

They do don't they ;D Your piggies are lovely :) & mine don't like the hairdryer either :D
What little cutie pies. Duke looks absolutely disgusted at me when i bath him, also tries and sometimes succeeds to jump out of laundry tub :o Have to be quick with him! Sully used to chew on the hair dryer cord, so had to be very wary of that!
Aww they are lovely.Are you supposed to use a hair dryer on them?I just dry them well with a towel. :-[
i wish our boys enjoyed baths that much!

Scruffy and stinky hate them and will constantly try and jump out! its always a joint effort to bath one at a time. i think we hate bathing the piggies as mush as they hate the b word. Needless to say we don't bath them very often so if you have any tips. We tried the bath and kitchen sink.

It does make me laugh when they shake themselves like dogs do though Last time we bathed them we didn't see them for the rest of the day and hid away feeling sorry for themselves. Only coming out at dinner time looking v fluffy and not amused in the slightest

H x

I will get around to showing you pictures of our piggies eventually
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