Boys First Tiff


Junior Guinea Pig
Aug 22, 2017
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I have 10 & 4 month old boys and they had their first tiff a few weeks ago. I'm assuming this is hormones at work!
Both were fine afterwards, it was more puffing up/angry noises and chasing. Nothing has been seen since. Although we have given extra space/bowls/hay spots/water bottles/2-way hideys.

Main thing I wanted to ask is can they fight over me?! Sounds weird but before the tiff they were popcorning and zooming at the sound of my voice (I was home later than normal) and generally being bonkers about me being home. I was chatting away to them and then the mood changed.

It did upset me as I read its best to let these things play out and only interfere if absolutely necessary. They did sort it out and no one was hurt.
Hi it does sound like it's hormones at work and their age is very much when you should expect these hormones to start and their testicles to descend- lovely isn't it? Haha.

Unfortunately you are probably going to have a lot of noise and chasing etc as it is most likely both of your boys going through the hormone stage or having a hormone spike. My youngest pig Steve is currently going through it and is chasing,mounting and nipping my elder pig Mo- unlike your two mine have a bit more of an age gap and thankfully Mo isn't as hormonal as Steve.

It is advised you let them be unless there is a real need to intervene- I.e blood is drawn or you find one pig is being stopped from eating/drinking/resting- as hard as it may be this is for the best. These things do calm down however and you'll find some days they are fine and others they go crazy.

There is a chance that they could push each other too far and just be prepared for that possible outcome -though I'm sure they won't as most boars do make it through the hormone stage. When you go to work, just supply the boys with huge piles of hay and toys etc to stop any bickering while you are gone.
For sure the hormones at play hear as the great advice from @Jesse's pigs has said above. Hopefully it will quieten down now again, make sure they have two of everything less for them to fight over.
For sure the hormones at play hear as the great advice from @Jesse's pigs has said above. Hopefully it will quieten down now again, make sure they have two of everything less for them to fight over.

I must confess that the advise above was magpied from the other great members of the forum (*cough* like you! :) ) who helped me when I was in the situation with my boys. X
I must confess that the advise above was magpied from the other great members of the forum (*cough* like you! :) ) who helped me when I was in the situation with my boys. X

That's what we all do, you learn and you pass on... :)