boys fighting

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is it normal behaviour for boys to fight. over the last couple of weeks there has been times were you can hear the comotion going on. when looking over the guineas i have 1 missing a little bit of his ear. one of the babies with a bite mark in his ear and the other baby with 3 cuts 2 with recent blood. is there anything i can do etc
They need to be separated once blood has been drawn as they will just do each other damage.

How many boys do you have living together?
Please separate them once blood is drawn they will not accept each other! It will continue and someone may get badly hurt!
I have a 2 year old and 14 week old boar together and did lots of research and reading to know what to expect everything I have read advises you to separate when blood is drawn!

When blood is drawn they will not accept each other, it doesn't matter that they are family!

You could maybe try reintroducing them on neutral ground but generally this will not work once it has got to this stage.

This link maybe useful:

Hopefully someone else can advise more... but if I were you I would separate them.

How old is dad and babies?
have watched the boys all day and have found out what they are doing. both baby boys have been mounting the dad and trying each other. have has to now seperate them all now. is this the right thing to do? i know thats a stupid question but i have not had guineas before and not had them all that long.
Yes the minute Blood is drawn you have to separate them! Maybe you could have them next to see other so they could interact but not harm one another!
you will also need to check the wounds for abscesses daily until they are healed up
thats what we have done thanks joanneg111. all cuts r ok. they are small and are healing. thanks for the advice
No worries, thats excellent and adleast no one will get hurt and they can still interact! Boys will be Boys... they can be so stressful at times!
One other thing to consider is that two boars are much much more likely to get on than three. Three is normally a no no when it comes to boys. Also two young ones is less likely to work that one young one and one older one.

It may be worth trying to pair up one of the baby boys with dad (but only one). Of course it would have to be under supervision but if you thought that one baby boy got on better with dad than the other then try that.

Guineas aren't good living on their own.

It can work that you can house them side by side so they sniff each other through the bars and interact but can't fight.
thanks for that.
i know they dont really like it on their own as the dad was unhappy when mum was expecting. have tried one with the dad but they are humping him and I'm feeling so sorry for him
AWW that's sad bless him. How old is Dad? If he's quite young he could be neutered and go back in with mum?
dad is 6 months but unfortunately mum died 2 weeks ago so that is not a possibility I'm afraid
OH that's even sadder. Poor thing. What happened?

What are the babies like with each other? It's normally boars the same age who fall out due to hormones. But you never know...
mum was neurered and didnt recover hit me hard but i had her cremated and she is in the room with the other guinea so she is at home in a way.

the boys try and hump each other but they also fight as well. one (Gingie) has got lots of small cuts on him as his brother (piddle) tries to hump him.

I'm really greatful of suggestions as I'm so new to this.
thank you so much for that. i think I'm goign to have to keep them all seperate for a little while till i can get some clear material or something along those lines to seperate the one cage for the babies. dont really want them all seperate but there is nothing else that i can do.
thank you so much again
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