Boys fighting but One is stressed not being with the other :(

Nov 1, 2021
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Hi guys,

So I’ve had both my boys for over 14 months now and they are coming up for 16 months old.

They are brothers from the same litter and about 2 months into having them they had a really bad fight in their cage with both ending up with a really bad gash on theirs sides.

So since then I have had them split. I’ve tried bonding baths, keeping them apart a couple of days then re-introducing them, their cage was extended from 10 square feet to 12 square feet, doubles of everything and honestly nothing has worked.

Axel desperately wants to be in Svens company however Sven after a while attacks Axel and I just cant risk them living together.

I'm struggling as when they are out, I split them up with a divider however Axel just gets really stressed and wants to be in Sven’s company so I eventually cave and let them play together. It always ends up with them fighting though because Sven gets to a point where he wants to attack Axel. He basically bullies Axel but shooing him, lunging at him, side shuffling at him and nipping at him to a point of sometimes bloodshed.

So I think splitting them and re-introducing them constantly is causing the dominance to start all over making more aggression but I cant watch Axel get stressed out all the time when they are out and split up.

I’ve had Axel to the vet and they’ve confirmed he’s healthy so its not a factor to Sven bullying him.

Can anyone recommend anything I haven’t tried or are my piggies just never going to be able to settle with each other? :(
Please keep them separated at all times. Sadly a full fight means they are not compatible and should not have physical contact with each other again.

The kinds of playdates you are doing are going to cause problems. To piggies, each meeting is a full on bonding session but as your piggies are not compatible, it is going to cause a lot of stress and end with fights.

Can you explain what behaviours you are seeing which make you think Axel wants to be with Sven?
It is important to note that behaviours between the bars such as laying together or rumbling are not signs they want to be together. They are in fact territorial behaviours and are not positive signs at all.

Boars: Teenage, Bullying, Fighting, Fall-outs And What Next?

Thank you for your reply. I feared that would be the response tbh.

So Sven is happy to just lay on his own and watch Axel. He seems calm.

Axel usually stands up against the divider chewing at the corns and nuzzling under the divider to break in to Svens side. He paces up and down the divider and and pays no attention to his toys.

Thank you