boys bond broke

I am sorry. it's happened to several pairs mine a few times over the years, I know how upsetting it feels. They can live in a 2x3 cage each side by side. 2x3 is the minimum size, 2x4 is better if you can manage it, more room for zoomies!
Oh gosh must be so scary! I’ve never witnessed a fight thankfully and I’m hoping I won’t!

2 boars need massive spaces otherwise it can go wrong!

Have you tried putting them in different pairs? Xx
Oh gosh must be so scary! I’ve never witnessed a fight thankfully and I’m hoping I won’t!

2 boars need massive spaces otherwise it can go wrong!

Have you tried putting them in different pairs? Xx
yeahhh they had a 2x6 cage, and i will be trying that hopefully it goes welllll
I am sorry. it's happened to several pairs mine a few times over the years, I know how upsetting it feels. They can live in a 2x3 cage each side by side. 2x3 is the minimum size, 2x4 is better if you can manage it, more room for zoomies!
thank you!
🤣🤣 Sounds like you have your hands full!

Ooh hormonal spikes and everything! I have 3 girls and a 3 week old baby boar (my first boy).
I’m sorry to hear that. The 6 month old has just hit the highest hormone output and sadly is a prime time for bonds to fail.

Yes they can live in a 2x3 each - as mentioned above, it is the smallest size a single piggy can be kept in.