Boys and food.

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Jan 10, 2011
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My boars Humphrey and Doogles have been living together for a month now. They are typical boys and they are still sorting dominance, but on the whole they get on ok.... unless the food bowl goes empty. Then Doogle starts annoying Humphrey, and because Humph just wants to relax for a bit, he'll start chattering at him. Normally they go back to eating, but if the food has run out.... They have more than ample hay... I dont use sawdust and they have a hayrack too, but I'm worried about overfeeding, especially at night. You cant go into the kitchen or rustle a bag in the evening without it setting off major wheeking. They are both around five months, we got Humph a month ago from a rescue. How much should they be eating? any ideas on this? Thanks :)
I am not too sure, but I think it is a cupfull of veggies a day per piggie.
My boys also love their veggies, and tend to only eat the dry food under protest when all the veggies are gone.
And BOY, when the veggies come out, they rumble and strut and steal from each other.... I just LOVE to watch them. :))
Hullo Dawn xoxo

Jenny here ...... bet you didnt expect to see me on here!
I wouldn't worry too much
Feed wet food twice a day and when its gone then it will encourage them to eat hay and dry food.
I use ceramic bowls that say guinea pig on and I give the boys one full one each.

Sounds like they enjoy bickering a bit like my boys. Did the rescue let Doogs choose Humphrey? How did the pairing come about?
Hello Jenny :)
Why would I not expect to see you here? :D :D :D
I'm now pretty obsessed by my piggies.
We got Humph from not a rescue, but a breeder who is quitting to concentrate on other piggy activities. She has around 100 and is cutting down.
Humph was the first piig we tried him with, and whilst there was a fair amount of teeth chattering and rumblestrutting from Doogle - who'd we'd previously thought was extremely timid, they got on ok. He's a cheeky, mischievous thing after all, whereas Humph is much more laid back (for now) and doesnt seem particularly fussed by Doogles antics as long as he gets a bit of peace now and again.
SOmetimes though, Doogle just seems to irritate him and Humph will "answer back. Doogle also likes to play while they are eating, he will go and take humphs food, and then humph will take his. DOogle will always come first for food, but will have a nibble of it and take it to the pigloo, so then humph will come out too. It;s quite sweet really.
How are your piggies settling in?
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